I wrote a Genshin Impact x H2O: Just Add Water crossover thing.

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So I sort of completely fell out of the DSMP fandom but am now trapped in an even more toxic fandom. Now I have three things to say before this starts

1) This takes place before the Traveler comes to Liyue, the Luhua Pool domain hadn't been drained yet. And this is a modern au.

2) It's 3AM give or take a few minutes, I also haven't even read this myself. Just mention where I screwed up on grammar and things like that.

3) Yes Zhongli is Xiao's father shut up this is my comfort headcanon this is the one headcanon I will stand behind.

THIS IS HEAVILY INSPIRED BY Blackrockshooterstar ON AO3, you guys should go check out their works! They're a very good writer!

Xiao stood at the edge of the dock, waiting for Hu Tao to tell him why he was supposed to come here in the first place. She told him to go there without any context, so he can just hope that Hu Tao wasn't planning on trying to push him into the sea.

Caio's train of thought was interrupted when a the aforementioned girl comes running towards him with Ganyu, a quiet and nice girl from down the block, trailing behind her.

"Xiao, you actually showed up! I was expecting you to not come because you assumed I had a bad plan that would get us all killed," Hu Tao then paused for a second before continuing to talk, "I mean I do have a bad plan but it probably won't get us killed. Key word being probably."

Xiao stared at Hu Tao for a second before responding, "No. Whatever your idea is will end up in another house on fire."

Ganyu grimaced, remembering the time Hu Tao managed to set a house on fire because she had to mess with their electrical cords, "Surprisingly, this idea is actually pretty good. She wants to go to Luhua Pool for a bit."

"Yeah, but for some reason you had to assume I wanted to get in trouble! I just want to chill near the edge of a pool!"

Xiao took a good minute to think before taking a deep breath and saying, "A pool that nobody goes to that isn't even really a pool but a bunch of old ruins and water?"

Hu Tao grinned before grabbing the poor boy's hand and dragging him towards the closest bus stop, "We're going to have so much fun, I promise you."

Ganyu flashed Xiao a look of pity as she followed Hu Tao and Xiao into the bus.

Fifteen minutes of silence later and the trio is at the edge of Liyue Harbor, still not having told any of their caretakers about their excursion. They followed the path to the Pool for a bit over an hour, Xiao walking in (mainly) silence while Hu Tao and Ganyu made small talk with each other.

"Look! There it is! Luhua Pool!" Hu Tao pointed into the distance where there was what looked like a run-down building in the middle of a small lake, just larger then a pond but not large enough to be considered a real lake.

The other two went running after her, wanting to make sure she was safe as it was starting to get dark and she could get easily hurt by overlooking a small detail and tripping.

As was expected, when Hu Tao got to the edge of the water she kicked off her shoes and jumped into the clear teal water, clothes and all, "It's very nice in here, I'd feel bad if either of you had to miss out on it.." she then splashed Xiao, who jumped at the cold water and slipped on the slick ground, falling backwards into the center pool.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Ganyu jumped into the water after him, kicking off her shoes to make sure that the unresponsive Xiao, who was staring out into space again, was okay.

A few seconds later he snapped out of whatever had come over him when Hu Tao jumped into the center pool with the other two, "Hu Tao, I will get you for this."

All that the mischievous girl could do was grin and laugh breathily. The moon was full that night, it looked very pretty as it rose to be directly over the pool the trio was occupying.

"Hey, look guys! The moon is full tonight, it's the second day in a row it's been full, so it will probably be a waxing gibbous moon tomorrow," Ganyu points up to the sky right above the three people, glad her astrology studies could come in handy.

"I have no clue what any of that means but the moon is very pretty and bright, it's sad it won't be like that tomorrow," Hu Tao had started to regret not paying attention in science class but quickly got distracted as the water around them started to bubble.

Wordless is one way to describe the three people in the water. They couldn't think of anything to say as the water bubbled and rose into the sky in the middle of September of all times. If there's one way to describe September, it's not cold but not warm, a passing season, definitely not warm enough for water to boil at this rate.

"What the hell..." Xiao stared in wonder for a few seconds before he looked back down at his reflection in the water and noticed that something was off.

His hair, even though it was dyed a deep turquoise blue color, had some lighter teal streaks that were glowing. The tips of his hair were also glowing.

As soon as Xiao had spoken those words Ganyu and Hu Tao turned their attention to him.

"Holy shit, when did that happen and how did it fix your ugly hair?" Hu Tao blurted out before laughing again, but Xiao only climbed out of the pool as he should've done the second he fell in.

Unlike what he had hoped for, the brightly glowing streaks hadn't gone away when he was fully out of the water.

Maybe he just has to dry off, then his hair will go back to normal. This thought seemed to calm him enough that he reached out a hand to help Ganyu out.

As Hu Tao crawled out of the water and Ganyu was helped out by Xiao, a member of the Millelith ran up to them and started questioning them. It's not normal for a bunch of random teenagers to be at a run-down pool at twelve in the morning, although it wasn't the weirdest thing that had ever happened in Liyue.

As the Millelith guy kept talking and asking the trio questions, to which Ganyu answered while the other two stayed quiet, Xiao started to question why he was even dragged into this mess in the first place.

Eventually, Mr. Scary Millelith Guy got Ganyu to tell him that they were from Liyue Harbor and were about to head back, which was half true. Ganyu did deflect questions about Xiao's hair though, saying it's usually like that.

In the end, the Millelith guy took the three teens back to the Harbor and made them take him to their homes to have a talk with their parents about keeping a better eye on their children.

The guy was surely surprised when Hu Tao went back to her funeral parlor and simply stated, "This is where I live, it isn't much but it's my business. If the Millelith ever require funerary services, make sure to come here! I'll even give you all 30% off your first five wooden coffins!"

The Millelith member just stood there for a good five seconds before patting her on the head and nodding while saying, "Sure, kid."

The next two houses were simple enough. When the Millelith guy brought the others home, they got the whole spiel about not going far away without permission and how worried they were.

Zhongli had also asked Xiao about his hair, to which the short teen had responded with, "I'll tell you in the morning, it's a long story." Zhongli had respected what the other had said but was 90% sure he probably wouldn't get any context in the morning.

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