Trespassing is Fun

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As the sun set on the city of Manhattan, a young girl was walking through the dark alleyways. Her name was Carry. Carry wore a black sweat jacket, which covered her rather appealing body shape. She had dirty blonde hair, which dropped slightly over her face in thin strands.

Carry had turned 18 a month ago and was ready to live on her own. She constantly had disagreements with her family and after having one particularly bad disagreement over dinner, had snuck out through her bedroom window to walk around the city.

Carry: Why do they have to be so insufferable, why can't I do what I want with my life?

As Carry came out of the alley, she saw an abandoned warehouse to her left. There was a sign on the front door that said, in no uncertain terms, "NO TRESPASSING!" Despite the warning on the sign, Carry's curiosity and rebelliousness got the best of her and she decided to check it out.

She tried to open the door, but found it to be locked. Thinking quickly, Carry took to climbing through an open window.

Carry came crashing down onto the cold concrete floor, feeling the force of the fall rip through her side.

Carry: OW! God that hurt.

Clutching her side, Carry got up to see that the massive building was completely empty, save for an encampment consisting of a table, chair, couch, blanket and bird cage. The bird cage was completely empty, with a note on it saying "for holding tiny".

Carry: Well if this isn't the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Someone has a cage to hold something that doesn't even exist! Tinies, how ridiculous!

Carry looked over to the table and saw a bowl of carrots on the table. A grin slowly grew across her face and she slowly made her way towards the bowl. She took a carrot out of the bowl and held it to her face.

Carry: I wonder what it would be like if this tiny carrot were a tiny person.

Carry stuck her tongue out through her teeth and licked the carrot, before opening her jaws wider and sticking the flexible muscle out further. She held the carrot over her head, giving a great big "AAAAHHHH!", before dropping the carrot onto her outstretched tongue.

The carrot bounced a little as it hit her tongue, before quickly sliding towards her open throat. Carry quickly pulled her tongue back in and began to play with the carrot a little. Once she was feeling bored, Carry tilted her head back and swallowed the little carrot whole. She put her hand to her throat as she swallowed, feeling the unchewed carrot ripple down.

Carry: That was actually kind of fun. *GIGGLE*

Carry's joy left her swiftly, as upon the carrot's fall into her stomach acids, a weird sensation ran through her body.

Carry: What the heck?

Carry had no idea what was happening, until she noticed something. The height of the table before her was growing, but that couldn't be possible. It wasn't just the table that seemed to be growing, but everything around her was increasing in height. It was at this point that Carry realized what was happening - her surroundings weren't growing, she was shrinking.

Carry felt a panic attack coming on as she continued to decrease in height. Eventually, she felt the effects wearing off and found that she now stood at 2 inches tall.

Carry: Oh my god! I've shrunk. This can't be happening, this has to be a dream. Why did I ever come in here?!

Carry's current situation was bad, shrunk down in a place she shouldn't be at. But for Carry, the worst had yet to come. In fact, the worst had just returned home.

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