The Goddess' New Pet

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As dusk began, the peaceful serenity of the docks was disturbed by a cloud of green mist that seemed to rise out of the ground. From this mist emerged the beautiful Enchantress known as Amora.

Amora: Ugh, maybe these pitiful humans are right when they say the gods are petty. It's good that I have this hideout to stay at while I wait for things to cool down.

As Amora walked up the closed doors, she was displeased to see the sign discouraging trespassing smacked onto it.

Amora: I guess the workers have picked up on something. Hopefully they don't suspect a beautiful goddess like me is staying here.

Meanwhile, Carry was panicking about her current predicament. She was 2 inches tall in a privately owned building. If someone caught her, it was all over.

As if fate decided to play the cruel game of coincidence, Carry heard the sound of someone coming up to the door. Carry swallowed hard, nervous about who or what would come through that door. To her surprise, a green ring appeared in the door and out from it came a beautiful woman dressed in matching green. Carry had no idea who this woman was. All she knew was that she was gigantic and walking in her general directions.

Thinking quickly again, Carry ran behind one of the table legs, hoping she didn't grab the attention of the giantess. She pushed herself straight up against the leg, peaking slightly around the side to make sure the giantess didn't see her. The sound of her footsteps grew louder as she came closer, the ground shaking more and more violently until she came to a stop at the table.

Amora walked up to the table and bent down over the table, putting both her arms flat on the wooden surface.

Amora: I wish I could go to one of my mansions in Asgard, but I just can't risk getting caught.

Carry: You and me both.

Amora turned her head slightly when she thought she heard someone talking. She quickly brushed it off as paranoia and sat down in the chair to take a nice, little nap.

Carry decided to make her move while the giantess was preoccupied. Slowly, she moved away from the table, before sprinting straight for the door. At her current size, Carry thought the woman wouldn't hear her feet pounding against the floor.

She had made it a few meters from the table (which to her was the size of an entire valley), when something strange happened. Carry's body froze up completely, preventing her from moving any of her limbs even an inch.

Carry: Dammit, why can't I move?!

Suddenly, Carry's body rose swiftly, before just as quickly pulling back in the direction she came from. Before she knew it, she was lifted up to the smiling, devious face of the Enchantress.

Amora: Well… well… well, what do we have here? A tiny intruder. I thought I heard a quiet voice from under the table.

Amora moved her mouth close to Carry before she continued speaking.

Amora: So what are you doing here, little girl? Don't you know it's bad to go into places you're not allowed? You could get in trouble if someone catches you.

Carry remained silent, sweat running down her face as her breathing gradually quickened.

Amora: Aw! Don't be shy, little one, you can say whatever you want to me.

Carry could tell that the giant woman was lulling her into a false sense of security with the way she spoke to her. She knew that she would show her true nature when the moment came. Despite the risk, Carry decided to play along for the time being.

Carry: My name is Carry.

Amora: Well it's nice to meet you Carry! I am Amora, the great and beautiful Enchantress of Asgard!!!

Carry: You mean you're an actual goddess?

Amora: Indeed I am, and you know how we gods treat you humans.

A devious smirk grew on the edge of Amora's mouth as she finished her sentence, which greatly worried the tiny Carry. It worried her more when the giant woman's face contorted into surprise, before bending down closer to her. Amora then took a good long sniff, then a few more quick sniffs, before giving a sigh of pleasure.

Amora: Hm! I must say, you smell quite delicious little one. I wonder if the same goes for your… taste?

Carry: Taste?!

Before Carry could question this any further, Amora stuck her tongue out and gave a quick lick to the girl's body. She emitted a moan of pleasure, before giving her body a longer lick.

Amora: Oh my, you might be the perfect treat.

Carry: TREAT?!!! What are you talking about? What are you planning to do, eat me?

There was a moment of silence as Amora just stared at the tiny girl floating in front of her face. Suddenly, the giant woman opened her mouth as wide as she could with a great "AAAAHHHH" and used her magic to push Carry into the gaping maw.

Carry felt the life leave her body as she was suddenly thrown into Amora's mouth. Her body was slammed against a giant tongue on the bottom of the mouth, which promptly snapped shut. The Enchantress then began to play with Carry, using her dexterous tongue to taste, lick and move her body around her oral cavity.

Carry was in a state of terror, unable to fathom what was happening.

Carry: This can't be happening! I'm inside a woman's mouth, being played with and about to be eaten!

Carry felt disoriented as Amora's tongue threw her body around inside her mouth. The sloshing saliva as the red muscle moved and the heavy breathing from Amora's lungs was all that the tiny girl could hear, almost drowning out her own thoughts. She then felt the tongue begin to push her back towards the throat.

Carry: Oh no, this is it! She's going to swallow me!

Carry braised for the uncomfortable squeezing of Amora's throat muscles on her body, before she felt her body move away from the throat. In an instance, Carry was deposited out of the mouth and onto an open hand. To her eternal gratitude, Amora had spit Carry out.

Carry: So you're not going to eat me?

Amora: Actually, I do plan on eating you, just not yet.

Carry: Then what are you going to do with me?

Amora: I'm going to keep you around for a while, keep you as my own little pet.

Carry: Pet?! But I'm a human being!

Amora: No you're not! How could anyone consider you a person at this size? You're a pet, and that's final!

Carry: But I'm…

Amora: No, not another word. My say is final, you'll be my pet.

Amora then walked over to the cage she had placed, the one that said "for holding tiny" on it. Carry thought about how ridiculous she had found it before.

Carry: How ironic. Just a few minutes ago, I was thinking about how stupid the idea of a tiny human being was. Now look where I am.

Amora opened the cage door and placed Carry inside. She closed the cage door and locked it before Carry could jump out. The tiny girl stood against the bars as if she were in a prison cell, because she was in a prison cell.

Amora: Get comfortable in there, it's the last place you'll call home. Although, that might be somewhere else. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be getting some sleep. The night is almost upon us.

Amora blew Carry a cheeky kiss before walking to her couch and lying down on it to sleep. Carry slumped against the bars of the "human" cage in despair.

Carry: This is it! It's all over, I'm just Amora's… pet!

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