A Mouth of Horrors

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Carry could feel her heart pounding in fear as she sat in the dark lit mouth of Amora the Enchantress. The whole oral cavity was hot and humid, with warm and heavy breath being blown out from the throat and onto the tiny girl in a most oppressive manner. Gooey saliva coated every square inch of flesh in the mouth, some of it formed thin strings that hung from the tongue to the hard palate. These strings would constantly break and form as Amora shifted her tongue beneath Carry in all sorts of directions.

The swamp-like atmosphere of the goddess' mouth was beginning to make Carry sweat profusely. Feeling scores of sweat drops racing down her face was very unpleasant to her, made even worse by the chocolate covering her body. As she attempted to wipe her face off, the tiny girl was startled by the sudden movement of the tongue below her.

Carry: Oh no, no, no! Not now!

Amora was now ready to play with her prey and she was going to get the most out of the poor girl.

Amora: Now it's time for the real fun.

The Enchantress curled her tongue around Carry and gripped the girl tightly. Once she was securely held, Amora began to toss the shrunken girl all around her mouth with slobbery intensity. From the outside the goddess' mouthplay may have looked calm, but for the small girl inside it was hell. The tongue shoved violently against her body, rolling her around so ferociously that she no longer knew which direction was which. Thick saliva splashed in her face and triggered the nerves on her skin as she was shifted about on the red muscle. Amora's bellowing moans of pleasure blasted into Carry's ears, constantly stealing her attention from her other senses.

Carry: (Please stop this! I want it to stop, I wanna go home)

Carry cried out in terror, which made the Enchantress even more excited. She started tossing and rolling the tiny girl around her mouth faster and faster with each uptake in heart rate. The sounds of slurped saliva became louder and louder, splashes becoming ever more frequent.

Amora practically treated her like a piece of food to be played with and consumed. By now all the chocolate that had covered Carry had been licked off and laid in a soggy pool around her on the tongue. The melted chocolate splattered all over her as the tongue continued to prod at the outline of her thin, curved body.

Amora: I must say little girl, you have a fine body. You'll feel really good in my throat.

Amora's word had finally managed to upset Carry as she began to cry, scores of tears running down her face from her eyes and onto Amora's tongue; their salty flavor triggering a pleased response in the Enchantress.

Amora: Say, is that a new salty flavor I'm tasting? It is absolutely scrumptious!

Carry felt the life leave her body as she felt the sudden hugging pressure of the muscular tongue grasping her body. Amora began to suck on the tiny girl, wiping off all the remaining chocolate and tears from her. The malleable muscle clung tightly to her body's outline, practically making her immobile. The loud sucking and moaning of the goddess was sent right into the girl's eardrums, nearly deafening her. The immense pressure left Carry petrified with fear. The soft, fleshy surface pushing against her skin made her squirm violently in a vain attempt to free herself, but this only served to excite the Enchantress even more.

Amora: Oh I love the struggle you exert my snack. You have some potent fight to survive. I think the time is right to make good on my intentions.

Carry: No, no, NO!!!

Carry's worst fears came true as she felt the massive tongue begin to push her back towards the grand throat. Amora stretched her throat out as wide as she could to tease the scared mess that was the tiny Carry. The shrunken girl stared into the dark opening with horror before she started to claw against the opposing tongue in an effort to prevent herself from being swallowed. Sadly the tongue was far too slippery and powerful for Carry to get a good grip on, and Amora pushed her bottom half into her throat with ease. The slender uvula glided across Carry's back as she slipped down, swinging forward as it came off her head. It swung back into her face as she tried to climb out of the huge throat to escape.

Carry: Ew! Don't I have enough saliva covering me?

By now Carry was exhausted. The poor girl was drenched in thick saliva and melted chocolate, slightly bruised at her sides from the active tongue. She had no energy left to try and escape, even though she desperately wanted to.

Amora: Aw! Are we done fighting already? I was hoping you'd continue on your way down. Oh well, swallowing you will be enjoyable enough.

Amora gave a manically joyful laugh at her capacity for cruelty. As she laughed, her mouth opened wide but stiffly, allowing some of the moon's light to shine in. The illumination of the oral cavity gave Carry some hope, but it would prove useless. The sound of Amora's laughter rang loudly in Carry's ears, almost deafening her. The throat expanded and jiggled, the tongue lowered down and vibrated heavily. This caused Carry to slide deeper into the throat. Instinctively, Carry tried to pull herself up, but she soon realized it was not in her ability. Instead, she began reaching out into the open maw, longing for the natural sensations of the outside world.

Amora: Well, I think it's time I send you on your way sweetheart. I'd hate to keep my tummy waiting any longer.

Carry slowly laid down on the shifting tongue as the realization finally sunk in that she was about to become nothing more than a midnight meal for Amora the Enchantress. Her heart slowed to a near standstill, her vision and hearing began to fade and her mind froze solid. The poor girl could barely speak louder than a whisper.

Carry: Please don't do this! I want to go home and see my family! My friends! At least let me say goodbye to them!

A small tear slid from her eye as Amora gave her parting words.

Amora: Farewell... my little snack!

Amora's words were confident and impactful.

A huge gust of hot breath lashed out from the deepest parts of Amora's lungs before her mighty tongue rose up like a fearsome tsunami and quickly rushed back to push Carry into her throat. As Carry hit the back of the throat, her heartbeat came back into being, going from near death to beating at almost 1 mile a minute. Her heart was beating so fast that she could feel it at the bottom of her own throat. She was terrified, more than she had been throughout this entire experience. She knew she didn't want this, but she also knew she couldn't stop it from happening.

Carry: Please Amora, don't swallow me!!!!!

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