Playful Midnight Meal

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As the moon rose into the sky to signal the coming of night, little Carry sat in her cage looking at the sleeping body of Amora the Enchantress. As she looked upon the sleeping beauty, the tiny girl was filled with dread, knowing that the giantess' body would be her final resting place. Carry began quietly talking to herself.

Carry: I don't want to die! I don't want to be eaten! I want to live!

A tear formed out of the corner of her right eye, which flowed all the way down her face and dropped off onto the cage floor. This crying awoke the slumbing Amora, who was most annoyed.

Amora: (Is that young one crying? At this hour? By the gods, why is it so hard for her to accept becoming a meal for the beautiful Enchantress?!)

It was clear Carry wasn't going to stop crying, so Amora decided that instead of having her for breakfast, she would make a midnight snack out of her.

The Enchantress slowly stood up off the couch. Looking directly at the tiny girl, she stood up and walked over to the cage.

Carry froze as she felt the ground beneath her shake. She slowly looked up to see Amora walking towards her with nothing but confidence. A quiet but high shriek escaped from her mouth as she jumped back against the cage bar away from the door. Amora walked right up to the cage and bent her head down right in front of it, encompassing Carry's entire field of view.

Amora: Come on out my little pet, time to eat.

Carry: I don't want to be eaten! And I'm not your pet!

Carry spat at her giant captor, her saliva projectile splashing against Amora's cheek.

Amora: I thought you'd learn some manners by now, but I guess you'll go down a brat.

Amora opened the cage door and reached for the tiny girl, plucking her out of the cage and bringing her up to her pretty face.

Amora: Now, let us begin this once in a lifetime snack.

Carry: But I'm not food, I'm a…

Amora: Silence!!!

Carry immediately went quiet.

Amora: First, let's take off these pesky clothes.

Slowly, Amora pulled off Carry's hoodie, shorts and shirt, leaving the tiny girl with her bra and underwear. The Enchantress eyed her thin and curvy figure, licking her lips in anticipation.

Amora: My, my, do you look delicious!

The mighty goddess then seductively stuck her juicy tongue out and promptly licked Carry along her entire body from her feet to her face. This left Carry drenched in gooey saliva.

Carry: Eh! Gross!

Amora pulled her tongue back into her mouth and swallowed the tiny girl's taste with a slimy "GULP!" The sound immediately brought Carry's attention to her undulating neck.

Amora: Ooh! You taste good sweety! I can't wait to play with you.

Carry gave a nervous gulp and began to wriggle in her trapped state, which earned a hearty chuckle from the Asgardian giantess.

Amora: As good as you taste though, I'd much rather have some sweet toppings on my late night meals.

Amora walked over to her kitchen area and removed a huge bowl of liquid chocolate from her fridge. Opening it up, she cast a spell that instantly warmed the dark brown substance up. Once she did this, Amora wasted no time dunking Carry into the chocolate. The poor girl flailed about in a vain attempt to free herself from the suffocation she was experiencing. It was no use however, as the Enchantress dipped her in and out of the bowl of liquid chocolate, continuously dousing her with a layer of the sticky substance. Eventually, she raised Carry out of the bowl, completely drenched in sweet chocolate. She coughed profusely as her system attempted to rid itself of the chocolate in her lungs. It didn't help that her near naked body felt very uncomfortable drenched in chocolate. Amora didn't care about Carry's well being in any way, only what pleasure she could get out of her.

Amora: Now you look positively appetizing little one!

Amora ravenously licked her lips with her meaty tongue, letting Carry's chocolate covering drip a bit so as not to make a mess. The cruel Enchantress even teased her more by slowly licking her midsection with her dexterous tongue. Carry cried out in protest, pleading with the giant asgardian to stop her torture.

Carry: Stop, stop, STOP! Stop it, please!!!

Amora: Oh be quiet! Why is it so hard for you to just have some fun?

Carry: This is not fun at all! Please let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone about you or your hideout!

Amora: Fine, go ahead and ruin the fun. Seems to be the only thing you're good at.

After Amora licked up all the loose chocolate, she walked back to the couch she had been laying on before and plopped on her back with her head and legs on the couch arms. She then brought the chocolate coated Carry over her head, eyeing her with great anticipation.

Amora: As much fun as this game has been, I'm afraid it's time for me to eat. Please cherish your last moments in this world… because I won't be doing so.

Carry: No… please no! Please god no! Anything but this… please!

Amora: Bye, bye.

Amora blew her tiny plaything a kiss, before she opened her mouth as wide as she could and stuck her tongue far out with a deep, seductive "AAAAHHHH!"

Carry looked down into the dark, wet pit below with sheer terror. The large, muscular tongue twitched and flicked about as it extended out, moisture covering its surface. The massive white teeth shined with a blinding light, almost illuminating the entire maw. In the very back of the mouth, hidden in the dark, was a large, gaping throat with a round, slender uvula dangling from the top. This throat expanded and shrunk as the Enchantress emitted deep breaths that blew hot air on the tiny girl. These breaths started out light and slow, but became heavier and faster as Amora's excitement grew. The sight below chilled the tiny girl to the bone, causing her to sweat and breathe with fear filled intensity. The fear Carry was experiencing thrilled the mighty Amora to her very core.

Amora: (I haven't felt this much excitement in eons. I should consider myself lucky that this girl wandered in and ate my carrots).

The Enchantress felt a great sense of power from holding the poor girl over her eager maw. The complete control she held over her fate was exhilarating to the beautiful goddess. This caused her heart to pound violently against her chest and her saliva glands to kick into high gear, with puddles forming at the back half of her tongue. The Enchantress knew she couldn't wait any longer, so she released her grip on the petrified Carry and allowed her frail body to plummet towards her tongue, hitting the outstretched muscle with such force that it weaseled a resistant moan from the Enchantress.

Amora: (Just when I thought she couldn't get any more delicious. Oh I'm going to take my time with her indeed).

Amora slowly pulled her tongue back into her mouth, Carry fearfully crawling away from the oral cavity's dark cloak. Once she was fully inside, the Enchantress snapped her jaws shut with a condemning clack. It was clear to Carry that this was the point of no return; she was going to be a midnight snack for Amora the Enchantress.

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