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Once they were all safely brought back down to the ground, Ryujin's legs could start shaking on hard land. Around her, the glances of her siblings were all the same, seemingly sympathetic and apologetic, but concealing their inner gleeful comment, that the arrogant, attention-seeking "crown" princess has been put in her place.

Ryujin could feel her cheeks heating up, so she stalked off, bitterly wondering if she could have actually done better. Gritting her teeth, she had to admit that Jinyoung had performed spectacularly, a phrase she had never expected to use for that brat.

And she had failed. When she walked past her mother, the woman shot her a distasteful glare, before sticking her nose in the air and promptly ignoring her daughter.

Yeji dutifully trailed behind her, then a light tap caused her to halt. Yuna was there, her expression truly grateful and sincere. "Thank you. What you did, I won't forget it," The girl said in a hushed tone, before bowing her head slightly and retreating in the opposite direction.

Ryujin fought back hot tears as she hurried down into the darkest corridor, where she could not stop those angry, frustrated tears from flowing down. And Yeji never hesitated as she swept her into an embrace.

How ridiculous. One failure and she was a sobbing wet mess. How ridiculous.

But Yeji's hug was so warm.


Fortunately, they were all given two weeks off to recuperate and rest. Ryujin decided to throw everything behind her and focus on the next, final test. The one that really would determine her future.

The glass pendant dug into her palm as she paced in her room, wondering if she should go back and visit Beomgyu. The humiliating experience made her completely forget the suffering boy, and she felt so guilty and stupid.

On the bright side, everyone left her alone, so she had lots of time to wallow in self-pity and plan her next move.


That did not last long. There was a short, desperate scuffle outside her room, with pleading cries and a harsher voice yelling before her bedroom door was thrown open.

Ryujin scrambled to stand up, taking in the sight of her mother, who looked haggard and furious, to say the least. She made her way towards Ryujin with wide strides, and Yeji quickly darted over to Ryujin's side, lest her mother does something too rash.

Her mother barely spared a glance at the captain, and only coldly spat out, "Leave us."

Yeji flinched and shrank like a child who was beaten by their parents and turned to depart. Ryujin was running out of patience, and also knowing what was to happen, snapped back, "Can you at least be kinder to your own blood daughter?"

Yeji froze, and her mother's features curled into an ugly scowl, "I don't consider her my blood anymore."

The said girl's shoulder's sagged as if her soul was sucked out of her, and Ryujin's frown deepened, "Take it out on me, not her. She doesn't deserve more agony than what you've given her."

Without hesitating, her mother did exactly that, and her hand went flying as a slap landed heavily on Ryujin's cheek. Yeji's lips parted to shout but Ryujin shot her warning glance, and fixedly kept her gaze at the window behind her mother's shoulder.

She received another hard hit on the opposite cheek, her stinging skin flushing from the rough abuse. Still, she stared at the clear glass panes, willing her tears to stay back.

"Stupid, useless, worthless thing," Her mother seethed, her tightly clenched fists pounding on Ryujin's aching shoulders, "To end up becoming like your sister, how can you even call yourself a princess deserving of the throne?"

Ryujin could only manage a wry smile as she lowered her head and replied, "My apologies, mother."

I'm sorry.

Through the Looking Glass (TXT x Itzy)Where stories live. Discover now