Unveiling The Bride

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Six months have passed after the proposal at 'Hugo's Bistro', the couple started planning their wedding already. Though people suggested they stay engaged for a little more time, the two years they have dated were quiet enough for them to determine if they were meant to each other. Love was always in the air every time they are around each other. The noisy world comes to an end when their powerful frequency stirs up together, bringing them peace. It seemed to be, there was nothing more important in life than going after what their heart desired. And it was, the two of them becoming one. As much as they wanted to see every day and somehow move in together before their wedding day, for cultural and traditional values, they never did, and Shalom remained with her aunt the times they were engaged. Nevertheless, love bound them to one another and to every good deed they did. It was love and their strong faith that kept them healthy and positively inclined. But love, like any other element of life, needs full attention and understanding to stay strong. When two hearts are beating with harmony, they grow out to be bold and unbreakable. Regardless of any slight differences, they both managed to draw their gap smaller and were ready to make a final vow around the witness.

"Aunt Petunia told me that our congregation already started collecting a vast amount of money for the wedding," Reuben said to Shalom as she was taking a small bite of a donut on a Saturday morning. "we should sit down with the church ministers, and the main members and discuss the range of our guests," Shalom replied. "It might not be the most fun part of the process, but it's a task that needs to be completed first because it sets the rest of our wedding planning process into motion," she added. Reuben started thinking about his possible guests, and couldn't exceed five people, then he realized that it shouldn't be more than fifty people on the wedding day. "That's a brilliant idea. We should start with our guest list and then do the rest of the steps later on."

Reuben somehow started a second job in a different city to collect enough money, so that their dreams and desires would come true on the wedding day, where money won't be a burden. Unlike those who were born in a well-to-do family, the two couples never had the best care one can get from their parents. For the most part, their past was coincidentally alike. Their congregation was their best option and the number of guests was drawn to sixty members, exclusively from the church.

One night, when Reuben arrived home from a long day at work, his phone started ringing. He usually doesn't answer his phone because he feels exhausted, but that night he picked it up after it rang consecutively three times. "Hello," his voice was hoarse. "I'm sorry for blowing up your phone this late," Shalom's voice brought instant relief to his soul. "It's totally fine, hun" his raspy voice turned into a deep delicate melody. "I have a surprise for you!" her voice was full of energy and she was excited too. "The ministers held a meeting with me tonight, and we thoroughly went over the money that's been collected so far, and it exceeded a little over twenty-five thousand dollars," she was as excited as the night she was proposed. "You're LYING!" he sounded thrilled. "You've been working very hard this past two months, picking up two jobs, driving to a different city, but you can go back to your old routine and catch a little break." as she said it, he started feeling the burden and pressure that have been stuck with him like a glue letting loose. With a tremendous feeling of calmness, he let out a sigh of relief and said, "I love you,". "I love you too!" her voice was soft and gentle that fed his body. "I will see you tomorrow," he blew a kiss through his phone and they hung up.

"Dear God, I thank you for all the blessings you send into my way. You kept blessing me even when I lost faith in you. Thank you Lord" his hands were clenched together as he prayed fervently.

As he lay down to sleep, he started thinking about the power of money and how society interprets it as the root of all evil. It is a contrary statement. 'Money definitely can not buy happiness,' he sank into deep thoughts- 'but it can be used as a bridge to get over certain things. Happiness comes within. Being content, moving on faith, and defining the true meaning of life and the purpose of living is a way to happiness. When God created the human being in his image, he made us full. But throughout the years, money became a powerful tool that shifted people's believes and values and made a false illusion in their head, that once you acquire it, then all your problems will get washed away. Money as its name specifically stands for, can only ease up the financial burdens people may face along with their life. Meanwhile, in the world we are living in now, money gained power over everything. Money started to get worshipped more than God. But as its power has gained, people still tend to link happiness with money. Happiness is internal, but money is an external supplement. Somehow it became a tricky dilemma for those in need. For people who suffer from a lack of money, the name of God sounds very unrealistic and fictional. Money is what they know, and what they want to chase. No faith and kindness in their heart, as they are wrapped up with the luxurious desires and what the world has to offer, a temporary relief. To some people on the other hand, it even became a tool for manipulation that you can only gain respect with money. The more money you have, the more respect you get. It's a sad reality. Money is a necessity these days, but neither respect nor power can be acquired through it. Those who don't exert effort in life, no matter how bad they want to have money, they automatically try to tell the world that those who have a lot of money are sinners, as they stick with the old-fashioned statement, "it was the root of all evil anyway". When there is good, there is bad. And for every action, there is an equal reaction. Money becomes evil if it's handled wrong, same as a strong love can turn into strong hate if it is mishandled. Everything we do reflects back to us with the same amount. You give love and receive love.' Reuben's deep thoughts created tranquility in his soul and he went asleep as he conversed with himself in total silence.

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