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We spent the next week making our new apartment like our old one- pastel colours and the such. Dan and Phil attempted to build some stuff. Failing miserably.

Like that time when Phil was building the wardrobe for my room instead of doing Chloe's- which he had been doing all of her stuff. Cute.

Dan saw Phil starting and ran over saying "I TOLD YOU TJS ROOM WAS MY JOB, I mean here I'll do it mate." I just laughed at him and carried on painting my room mint green. It was my favourite colour as well as coral. Dan allowed Phil to carry on building my white wardrobe.

He came over and started painting after turning on the radio, placing in a cd and waiting. I smiled as I heard the song- it was 18 by One Direction. My favourite song!!

"I heard somewhere that you like one direction." Dan grinned and I squealed causing Chloe to burst into laughter. I laughed and carried on painting until I saw Dan was busy painting next to me. He was always on about wanting to try a face mask.

I directed Chloe to film and without him noticing- I smacked the brush across his face so he had a green smear across his cheek. He smiled massively and took this as an invitation to put a huge blob of coral paint on my forehead. Wow.

That then escalated into a full blown paint fight between me and Dan- all of it being documented by Chloe. Trust her to do that.

So after getting covered in paint me and Dan were done with my walls and Chloe and Phil were done with the wardrobe and bed. We all stood back and admired the room we had just put together.

Laughing and giggling we all talked while sitting on Chloe's bedroom floor because we had already finished decorating her bedroom. It was a lovely shade of light blue and dark blue theme with a pixelated bed, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and patterned walls with little sharpie doodles all over them because we went mental with the sharpies. Sorry not sorry.

We all decided on me and Chloe staying at Dan and Phil's place because out apartment absolutely reeked of drying paint, the furniture was incomplete, and we needed to phone the landlord about mice. Ew.

Then we had to decide on who was sleeping with who. Dan and Phil were defiant in staying in their own rooms and sleeping in their own beds. They just had to make things complicated.

Also, to make things worse, Chloe made sure she bunked with Phil. So I was stuck staying with Dan. Crap.

This would be so awkward because... Well...... this is so embarrassing to say but- recently I have realised that I like Dan. Ugh but he's so out of my league I would never have a chance with him.

DAN POV (ooo new POV don't you feel special:)

Oh crap. I am being bunked with TJ. Aka I have to sleep with her. Shit. This is gonna be so awkward because I am beginning to realise that I like her. Ugh but she is so out of my league. She would never want to date a socially awkward, emo haired, clumsy, weird nerd that is me.


I needed to talk to Chloe. In private.

"Chloe, can I talk to you?" I asked while TJ and Dan were acting like little kids in mine and Dans living room. "Sure!" She said practically skipping out of the room in all he beautiful glory. "Phil?" She said waving her hand in front of my face laughing.

"Chloe I need to tell you something." I said and she looked worried. "I have realised that I am falling deeply in love with you." I continued biting my lip I was so nervous.

She welled up with tears.

"Oh Phil, if your are getting to where I think you are then YES!!" She said giggling. "Yay! Your going to be my girlfriend?" I said, making sure. "Duh!" She said and hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

I heard a cough behind me. It was Dan and TJ. Big surprise. "Say hi to Twitter Phil!" Dan said waving. I chased him around and he was still filming me laughing as he ran while my princess and TJ sat on the sofa historically laughing at Dan and me.

He ended up posting it and guess what trended on Twitter worldwide- #Phoe! There were tweeted like
The ship finally sailed!
I knew it!
Aw Chloe is so pretty

I knew everyone would love her.

Chloe has been my best friend for almost a year now and I must say- it's been a wild ride. She has been there for me no matter what and I couldn't ask for a better friend in my life to have. I would instantly take a bullet for her in any situation and do anything for her. She is incredibly stunning, perfect, pretty, anything. She can enlighten any situation and make anyone smile by just being there. Recently things have been a bad for me but she has supported me through everything and helped me get through this. I honestly don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing person in my life. You are perfect and I never would change you for anyone else.

Love you Chloe,
TJ xxxxxxxxx

Ready To Run // Dan And PhilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant