"Bish whet?"

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(Picture is TJ and Chloe exploring London- it's actually me (TJ) and my best friend (Chloe) in real life)


We had so much fun exploring London, me and Tj got approached by several fans which was the best thing ever.

One girl called Bonnie said she met her best friend because of us. Apparently she had made a fanpage on Instagram called @ChloeAndTj_Aremylife and another fanpage followed them, they got in touch, them eventually they met in person and became best friends.

That warmed our hearts honestly.

We got bored when we got back because out wifi still hadn't been installed. Tj called a cab and we drove to Dan and Phils place to use their internet.

They were just sat on the sofa when Tj picked the lock to get into their apartment- don't ask.

"Hay gerls hay!" She proclaimed throwing her arms out. Dan turned to look at Tj then back around.

From outside Tj was busy so I decided to listen to what they were saying. "Is it TJ?" I heard Phil say. Silence. "Yeah." Dan replied quietly. I would have to ask Phil about that.

We walked in and I grabbed Phil dragging him to the kitchen- away from Tj and Dan. "What was that about?" I shout/whispered. "Um, well, Dan kinda likes TJ." Phil replied really quietly. "Bish whet?" I hissed. He just nodded replaying the conversation. Aw that was so cute what Dan said about her.

'Fools Gold' was the name of Tj's first YouTube channel. Phil didn't know that so I explained it to him. He looked shocked at how clever Dan was. Come to think of it, TJ always changes the subject when I brung up Dan.

"They like eachother." I said. "Tj likes Dan?" Phil asked. "I think, we need to get them together, they would be so cute!" I replied.

We wandered back into the living room to see Tj laughing at something Dan had said. She stopped laughing and Dan carried on talking about an exstitential crisis or something. She just looked at him smiling.

Tj started talking and Dan was looking at her in such a cute way. They need to get together though. But if they break up it would be so awkward.

Oh well.

"Hey guys!" I said to them and they looked at me and waved. Then they just carried on talking about llamas or alpacas or something. I went over to Phil to talk about lions and lizards.

We went to his room to talk without Tj and Dan interrupting us but all we could hear was them singing really loudly and off key.

"SO SCALY!" Squeaked Dan.
"COLD BLOODED!" Dan finished.

I made a mental note to slap Tj after.
Then she started singing properly. Nicely and so did Dan.

"Her laugh is as loud as as many ambulances as it takes me to a million places,
She floats in the room on a big balloon, some say she's such a fake that her love is made of no, no no no,
Lets have another toast to the girl almighty,
Previously young staying made of lightning,"
Dan started.

"Am I the only,
The only believer,
There's something happening here
There something happening here
I hope you feel what I'm feeling too,"
Tj continued.

"I get down, I get down, I get down on my knees for you,"
They sang in chorus.

They would be so cute together. Me and Phil smiled at each other and he kissed my forehead. Aw.


Chloe and Phil were staying in Phils room for a bit so I asked Dan what should we do when we had finished singing badly.

"Your a great singer Tj," Dan said to me. I blushed- and although some girls look cute when they blush, I look more or less like an overly ripe tomato- and told him that he was too.

We watched TV fro ten minutes and then went outside to the nearest park. Yes a park. And when we saw it, I got overly excited and sprinted to the swing screaming "WOOOOOOOOOO". I think Dan was embarrassed to be walking with me.

Someone came up to me and said "can you tell your boyfriend to let us on the slide." And pointed to Dan who was literally blocking the top of the slide by trying to get 3G. "Oh I will tell him but he isn't my boyfriend." And I ran to Dan and pushed him off so all the little kids cheered.

It was so sunny and beautiful. We ran around to a field and just lay on a hill looking at the sky. Laughing about this that and the other.

I couldn't stop smiling.

Ready To Run // Dan And PhilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant