L.A Adventures With The Foursome Part 1

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I woke up one day to Phil bouncing about on the bed. Not that I was surprised, he is like that. I pushed him away and got up. I was wearing gym shorts and a tank top and my hair was pretty static. Like I kissed Phils plasma ball. Anyway I walked to the living room and screamed. Dan and Teej were there- which I was expecting. But there were two other guys in there laughing at Tj doing stupid things as usual.

I didnt know these two men- but I think they are Chris and Pj. I literally screamed and ran to Teej and pulled her out of the room, leaving the three guys. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" I shouted after pulling her into the hallway. She laughed and told me Dan and Phil were part of a youtube friendship group thing called the Fantastic Foursome.

And then she told me we were all travelling to L.A two hours later. I slapped her and said that she could have told me last night or something but she just laughed and ran off. Trust Teej to do that. I ran into mine and Phils room ignoring the fact he was still getting dressed. I pushed past him- oblivious that he fell- and began packing for L.A.

I took about an hour and then ran into the living room to get some cereal, and not to my surprise Tan had ate it all. I muttered swear words under my breath and made some of Phils pop tarts to eat. He got annoyed with me but I 420 Blased it. I mean, I am pretty swag. I laughed at Phil and ran to our room to get dressed. I put on my BMTH tank top and high waisted jeans.

We made our way to the airport- all of us squished in the back of a taxi.


Lol sos i died for like 7 million years i am just fab bow down peasants

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