YouTubers Unite- Part Three

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Phil was dared by a tipsy Marcus to run outside singing in his boxers. He did. And I must say that was the most retweeted video I have ever posted!

Phil blushed when he ran in to see all of the cameras and phones out. He screamed and laughed while putting his clothes on. Chloe hugged him when he was clothed and he kissed her forehead, I shouted in their direction pointing to them "RELATIONSHIP GOALS OMG!" Laughing.

We all carried on playing and it landed on Dan. "Truth." He said "Pussy." I mumbled. Loud enough for the circle to hear and laugh. "Do you have a crush, and if so, who is it?" Finn said.

"I do have a crush but I'm to shy to tell her. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. Ever since she came into my life with her friend- I have been so happy and found myself with a smile constantly on my face. Her bright hair and shiny eyes always catch me. But- I can say something. I ain't saying names but she is in this room." Dan said.

Everyone said stuff like 'awww' and 'Cayooot'. That was so sweet. Phil looked at him giving him a look that said 'Tell the girl you fool!' And Chloe seemed to know what was going on too. I was bewildered. I felt so left out because they knew what was going on and I didn't.

After a few more rounds Chloe and Phil magically disappeared and I didn't know where they went. I just sat on the sofa with a Capri Sun in my hand alone- yeah yeah I'm a loner.

All I wanted to do was go home- I hardly knew the people here and I felt so isolated. So I found Chloe and Phil and pulled them downstairs and outside and they started questioning my sanity.

"We're going on an adventure!" I said grinning. I get bored easily. "But what about your guy friend Dan?" Phil asked. "Oh right." I grabbed my phone and called him.

"Yo TJ what's up?" He said over the phone. "Come outside me and Phoe are going adventuring and your coming." I said.

"But I don't wanna....." He said. I hung up the phone and demanded that Chloe and Phil stay exactly where they were. I ran inside and looked for Dan. I saw him in the kitchen with Pj and Chris. "Sorry but Dan is coming with me! Say bye." I said pulling on his black sleeve.

"See yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." Dan shouted as i dragged him outside. Everyone looked at me like I was a sanist. I grinned and lead them along with me.

I used the flash on my phone to lead us to wherever the path I was walking on lead to. Suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes and I shit myself.

"Ah!" I screamed leaping into someone's arms. Dans. "What the actual fuck Ph- oh it's not Phil haiiiiiiii TJ." He laughed. I got down and blushed trying to get leaves out of my purple hair.

"Let's head home IM FUCKING FREEZING!" Phil said shivering. "OMG PHIL SAID I SWEAR WORD HIGH FIVE BROTHA!" Chloe said to Phil. He looked at her strangely and high fives her giggling.

But I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay out here for as long as I could. Forever. I wanted to run around and mess about with Chloe and Phil. And Dan.

I turned from my gaze ahead of me to look behind me and instantly met a large pair of hazel/brown eyes that I could just melt at the sight of. "I'm hi." Dan said awkwardly, and I snapped out of my weird trance and tried to scoot past him to slap Phil and make things stupid again. Dan tried to say something but couldn't seem to get the words out.


The next morning I woke up and I realised we were at mine and Chloe's house and seeing the green walls made me feel calm. I don't know- I just felt out of breath, as if I had a whirlwind in my throat.

Then it hit me. The fun I had last night- the trekking through the woods, the party, the laughter. It was all like a dream. Maybe it was.

Ready To Run // Dan And PhilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant