18: The party

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 Song: Forever by Labrinth


This was the day. Almost everyone was going to a huge party. It may sound like a part of the teen life and that it's no big deal. But never have I been on a party. The clock showed  8 am. There was 20 minutes left for the school to begin. Some students where still home but some where at school.

Chelly and Alex was talking with books in their hands. Laughing, chattering.Icame inside scared by meeting Nino, I was afraid that I would expose something. Alex had told me that Nino was testing me, I kinda didn't belive that, but I was just careful.

People was surrounding around Zara, talking about her party. When is your party Zara or can I come to your party?  and alot more. She belived that she owned this school now.

Nikkie walked with Natahsa and talked, and laughed just like Chelly and Alex did. It was like a mirror.

Rebecca stared at me with disgust, not because she didn't like me. I think she was jealus or something.

Lui also stared at me, inspected my body, my emotions, my reactions. Everything. Like a creep.

The bell rang and students started to walk against the  classrooms and get ready for the periods. The school was one part of this day, the other part? Well no-one knows what's gonna happen yet.

Nikkie and Natahsa was in the same class, Nino, me and Alex was in the same class, Chelly was in the same class as Zara and Lui. Great combination. 

"Are you going to Zara's party, Jane?" Nino asked sitting next to me. My whole body went like yesterday. Nervous, frozen, afraid. Afraid of making something weird. Everything I said I would think about a second time before she spelled it out. Nothing I was used to.

"No." I answered short trying not to make anything stupid.

Nino looked confused, like he didn't expect that. "Please, I mean the place is going to get so not boring when you come" He said smiling. I got crazy, something happened to me. I though I would explode, but not by annoyment, by somethig else. 

Suddenly Alex sat at the table and broke the tense. Now I noticed that a teacher had started the class.

We all three sat there the rest of the whole period quiet. Not a word. As fast as the class was over I got out of the classroom. But footsteps came after me.

"Hey Jane, yesterday. You know I was just kidding with you right?" A voice said as she turned around. There was Alex. He stood there smirking. "I didn't mean anything rude but you know, joking a little"

"The fuck Alex" Jane said rolling her eyes. 

12 pm

We was in the caféteria all of us sitting around a table, even Nikkie and Natasha came with us.

"Now what are y'all gonna wear?" Rebecca asked.

"For what?" Chelly asked back to Rebecca.

"For the funeral; for the party dumbass" Rebecca said to chelly laughing. I immediately got higher puls.

"Martin, keep it" Alex said making the table silent.

"I think Imma wear this top and skirt, It's so pretty" Natasha said breaking the silence. "Show us" Nikkie said smiling at her.

 "Show us" Nikkie said smiling at her

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