~ chapter 2~ Mr. Beast video pt. 1~

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* Y/N Pov*
I woke up to voices yelling and laughing from downstairs. Tired I slowly got out of the bed and opened my door. When I stepped out of my room I noticed Karl just coming out of his room. He wore some loose pyjama pants and a big tshirt with the mr.Beast logo on it und looked like he just fell out of bed. I chuckled quietly and he smiled at me.
,,Good morning Y/N. How are you?" he half-yawned.
,,Morning Karl. I'm good now are you?" I answered his question as the yelling from downstairs continued. ,,I'm ok. could've slept longer tho. Let's check whats going on down there." he sighed in a laughing way(if that makes sense lol) and started to walk downstairs with me following him. We arrived in the living room finding Chris and Chandler fighting with couch pillows against eachother. ,,I'm not losing again!" Chandler yells at Chris who's just laughing on the ground. ,,Yoo boys calm down. There were still people sleeping."Karl sighed ,,What even is this all about" I added.
Chris and Chandler put the pillows back on the couch.
,,We argued about who will win the challenge today. Y/N aren't you participating too?" Chris explained. ,,Yeah Jimmy invited me but I don't know what the challenge is gonna be and I'm actually quite nervous." I chuckled. ,,You could win this if I'm being honest. Your competitors are Chandler, Nolan and Chris. The only one who could be real competition to you is Chris." Jimmy joked as he came from the kitchen. Chandler looked at Jimmy with an annoyed 'seriously?' -face while Chris and Karl are literally on the floor laughing. ,,Oh and btw Karl you're gonna be Y/Ns coach since every other person she knows is participating." Jimmy told karl after the situation calmed down. ,,And I want you to be as comfortable as possible. Nolan told me about your social anxiety so I thought Karl would be the best coach for you since he's the softest one out of the crew." he chuckled turning to me now. With a smile I looked at Karl who was blushing and trying to avoid eyecontact but every now and then he catched himself looking at me. I chuckled and made my way to the kitchen to look for some breakfast. There were pancakes in the kitchen which I guess Jimmy just made so I took some plates and put everything for breakfast on the table. ,,Guys! Breakfast." I yelled for the others when I was done. They all came into the kitchen and sat down. ,,Did you make these?" Nolan asked me. ,,No they were already done when I came into the kitchen but I thought you would like to have a nice breakfast." I answered him. ,,Usually we only grab whatever we have and eat alone so this is nice of you." Chandler smiled at me. We all ate up and then went to get ready. I put on a mom jeans and a white turtle neck and just in case I also packed a plain black leggings and an oversized hoodie. Then I heard a knock on my door and when I went to open it, Karl was standing there slightly blushing at my sight. ,,Hey. Uhm...you'll probably need some mr.Beast merch for the video so I thought you could use one of mine since you don't have your own." I smiled at him and thanked him after agreeing. He led me into his room, to his closet. I looked around in his room.Even though I had been here last night I didn't really pay attention to his room. He had his stream set up on the desk next to his bed and I noticed a bunch of different scented candles on a shelf. I really liked his room. It made me feel cozy. ,,You can pick any beast shirt you want." Karl spoke which caused me to snap back to reality. I stepped into his closet to look at his shirts. There were a few button ups and a good amount of mr. Beast shirts on hangers on a clothing rail. Slowly I let my fingers run over the soft fabrics of Karls shirts. One shirt caught my eyes it was a brown sweatshirt with an white embroided 'BEAST' on it. I took the hanger in my hands and looked at it a bit closer. ,,Uhm do you really want that one?" Karl asked a bit nervous. It was the hoodie he wore yesterday that's probably the reason he was nervous. ,,I didn't get to wash it yet und who would know that you pick-" ,,It's alright, it smells good so no worries." I cut him off and smiled at the now very much blushing Karl.
After I took the sweatshirt off the hanger, I put the hanger back on the rail and pulled the sweatshirt over my turtle neck. I got surrounded by a sweet and soothing scent as I pulled the sweatshirt over my head. We both flinched at the sound of Chris' voice telling us to come downstairs to get to the warehouse where they film most of their videos.

* Time skip to the warehouse*

,,Today we're doing a last to leave the circle challenge. Our participants are Chandler with his coach Tyler, Nolan with his coach Jake, Chris with me as his coach and a new face: Nolans sister Y/N and her coach Karl. And the last person to leave this circle is going to win $50,000!" Jimmy said as he did the intro as usual. I changed into my leggings before we started the video and now I was sitting there in a circle in a warehouse together with my brother and his friends to compete against each other for $50,000.

(This is like the challenge where they were in teams in different rooms. I hope you know what I mean xD. I don't want to describe the whole challenge lol)

After 2 hours I started to get hungry. We already threw darts at the balloonwall twice. I got a giant beanbag but I had to make my circle a bit smaller. ,,What's up! Are you hungry yet?" Karl said as he came up to me. ,,Ugh..yes I'm starving" I fake complained, laughing.
,,What do you want me do get you?"
,,How about subway?But you'll eat with me right?" l asked him causing him to instantly blush. ,,Sure. Just tell me what you wanna have." he said with a soft yet excited voice. I told him my order and he turned away to go and get the food. I Followed him with my eyes as he turned around at the door and smiled at me but when he noticed that I was looking at him, the only thing I was able to see was him turning bright red before disappearing behind the door. While Karl was gone to get food we had to throw a dart at the balloonwall again. I got a nintendo switch but I didn't use it yet because I wasn't that bored yet. I decided to take a small nap until Karl comes back but that didn't last very long because I then heard a bunch of people yelling from the distance followed by Jimmy coming my direction.
,,Chandler is out everyone!" he yelled. So only Chris and Nolan left to beat. Suddenly I felt someone putting their hand on my shoulder and flinched at the unexpected touch.
,,Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Heres your order ma'am." Karl said chuckeling while bowing down in front of me. ,,Thank you. Come sit with me."I patted on the part of the bean bag I just made free for him. We sit down and eat our sandwiches while talking a bit about ourselfs since we still don't really know much about each other. After a while we found out we actually have a lot in common. Karl was about to leave the circle again when Jimmy stopped him. ,,Karl and Y/N. Since you two get along so well, Karl will be participating with you. Means if Karl gets out you both loose." he announced. Karl and I looked at him in disbelieve. ,,Well atleast I got a nintendo switch at the last dart throw. But Jimmy can we make the circle bigger again since we're two now?" I asked Jimmy. He luckily agreed.
So we sat down on the bean bag and started playing mario kart until we got tired. It was already 2am by now so we got comfortable on our beanbag and slowly drifted to sleep.

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