~ chapter 4 ~ cartoon night ~

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*pov Karl*
After that night we never really talked about what happend at the challenge. We got closer tho and hung out very often. Nolan always wants Y/N to find some friends in her age but she never really wants to. She told me about her new school Nolan made her go to since she lived with us for about a month now. Sadly some people don't like her because Nolan is her brother and she's living with us. I always tell her to drop out but Nolan doesn't allow her to.

It's been four weeks since the challenge and Y/N and me planned on doing a series marathon together since Jimmy and the boys are out for the night. ,,What do you want for snacks?" her voice yells from the kitchen while I was setting up the tv and the big comfy blanket. ,,Maybe some cookies? oh and Gummy bears!" I yelled back while lookin through the dvds and vhs we own. Considering Y/N is new to the world of cartoons, Adventure time is a good start. After I was done preparing I made my way to the kitchen to check on Y/N. Right when I entered the room I ran straight into her so she almost fell. She almost hit the floor when I catched her in my arms staring her into her eyes for a few seconds before both of us burst out laughing. After we calmed down we brought the stuff into the living room and sat down on the couch to order our dinner on uber eats. ,,I'm feelin ramen or pizza today what about you?" Y/N said as she peaked over at my phone. ,,Pizza sounds good. Ramen is to messy for the couch." I giggled as I searched up a pizzeria on the app. We both decided on a cheese pizza so we ordered and Y/N went to her room to put on some comfy clothes. I heard her waIking through the hallway but I didn't think anything of it until she came back downstairs after a few minutes. When I looked at her as she stood in the door frame my eyes widened. She stole one of my sweaters! My cheeks instantly flushed red. ,,I hope you don't mind that I took your sweatshirt. I saw you wearing it like two days ago and I just really loved it." She explained while looking to the ground smiling. ,,I- wow- uhm- oh god- I.. I just haven't- haven't washed it yet.." I panicked a bit. Her hands slowly moved to the neck of the sweater and she pulled it over her nose. With a small look at me before she closed her eyes she inhaled the left overs of my scent from the sweater. As I just sat there on the couch, staring at her with my cheeks probably glowing bright red, she just giggled cutely and thew herself next to me. ,,Calm down it's fine. You actually smell really good." Y/N mumbled now also with blushy cheeks. I didn't know any reaction but smiling.

*pov viewer*

Y/N and Karl just sat there, smiling with red cheeks until the doorbell rang. Y/N flinched at the sudden sound but then jumped up and grabed her wallet to pay. Karl sighed because he originally wanted to pay but Y/N had other plans. She didn't like when others pay for her so she didn't even give Karl the option to pay, plus she wanted to gift him the dinner for this night. After everything is paid Y/N came back to the living room with the two pizza boxes. They both started eating without talking a single word, Adventure time playing in the background. A while later Karl cleared his throat and started to speak ,,Soo... why didn't you let me pay for the pizza? I would've loved to.." Y/N swallowed her bite and sighed ,,I don't like people paying for me but thank you I really appreciate it." Karl smiles at her and pulls her into a hug. Little did both of them notice their hearts beating faster at each others touch. But they enjoyed it. The 'til this day unknown feelings they get around each other.

*pov Y/N*

I pulled away from the hug after what felt like eternity and just looked into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. ,,What.. is happening.." I managed to whisper out. Karl started to smile with a small hint of rose on his cheeks. „So.. you feel this too?"  He mumbled as he brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. As his finger slid over the skin of my cheek my whole body started to tingle. I don't know what feeling this is, but I'm definitely feeling something. So I nodded as I didn't know what to say. Karl smiled. He cupped my face in one hand which led me to tilt my head into his touch. I smiled and closed my eyes to enjoy his touch when he whispered „Can I kiss you Y/N..?" Shocked I opened my eyes. I didn't expect him to ask that but still nodded without taking my gaze from his blue eyes.

Slowly he led my face closer to his, so I closed my eyes. Shortly after I felt his soft lips carefully touched mine. Just that second it hit me. Those feelings I felt every time I was around him. They were love, not just friendship. Actual love. Then he pulled away again. His smile going from one red tinted cheek to the other. „I- I think I fell in love with you Karl..", I was finally able to speak again before hiding my blushing face in Karl's sweater I was wearing, scared of what he's going to answer. After a while of silence I got scared but just then I felt his arms wrapping around me, pulling me closer to him and he whispered, „Thank god.. I thought I made things awkward now. I had a thing for you since the day we met."
When I finally got my head out of the sweatshirt to grab some gummy bears, he giggled and turned on the show he told me about. Slowly I leaned my head on Karls shoulder and covered our legs with the couch blanket as we started to watch the show. After two seasons I slowly started to fall asleep as it was already 3 am.

(1083 words)
-sorry for not uploading for a while. I had some mental problems I had to take care of.

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