~ Chapter 1~ Moving in ~

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,,Shit I'm late!" I thought to myself while running home after school. My dad is gonna be mad. I was running as fast as I could to the point where I couldn't breath properly. I was living alone with my dad because my mom died when I was 4 years old and my brother moved out a few years ago. Completely out of breath I stopped and tried to catch my breath when my brother Nolans car stopped next to me and the door opened.
,,C'mon hop in quick I'll drive you home." he said to me.
At home I rang the doorbell and heard my dad already come to the door angry. While opening the door he already started ranting about me being late. ,,Where have you been all the time? You probably have been with boys like a whore." he yelled. ,,N-No. I- I-" I tried to explain myself but I got cut off by Nolan. ,,She was with me. Hello dad." He sounded mad while greeting him. ,,Why are you here Nolan." Dad said pissed. ,,Am I not allowed to see my sister anymore. How do you even talk to her?" Nolan asks sounding even more pissed now. ,,That's non of your buisness." My dad hissed at him. ,,Well certainly it is. Y/N pack your bag you're not staying here any longer." Nolan says without taking his eyes off of my dad. Quickly I ran upstairs and stuffed all my clothes,some plushies and a few books in my suitcase. Then I took my backpack and stuffed some more of my personal things in there. I stopped at my shelf and looked at the picture standing there in a frame. It was a pic of me and my mom. I smiled at it und put it in my backpack. ,,Y/N are you coming?" Nolan yelled from downstairs. ,,Coming!" I answered running down the stairs past my dad. But then he took my arm and pulled me back. ,,You're not going anywhere bitch" he said while squeezing my wrist. Eventually I got out of his grip and ran outside to Nolan and immediately jumped in the car. Nolan started to drive off when my dad came out of the door yelling at us. ,,Don't you dare ever coming back here you little dipshit." that was the last thing I heard before we drove down the street. ,,I'm sorry Y/N but I don't want you to go through that. You deserve better." Nolan said to me.

*Time skip arriving at Nolans house*

We pulled into the driveway and got my stuff inside.
,,Oh I should probably tell you that I don't live alone here." Nolan informed me. I laughed ,,Did you finally get yourself a girlfriend" He laughed annoyed ,,No I didn't I'm living with my friends." Then he opened the door and brought my suitcase in a spare bed room at the end of the upstairs hallway. I got my stuff out of the suitcase and threw it all on the bed. When I heard a knock on the door. ,,Come in!"
,,Hey you're Nolans sister right? I'm Jimmy aka. Mr. Beast and I'm living here too." The man who just entered the room said. ,,Oh uhm hi nice to meet you. Wait I think I saw you on youtube. Are you THE Mr. Beast?" I asked excited.
,,Yes I am. Actually I need someone for my video tomorrow. It's a last to leave challenge. Do you wanna participate?" Jimmy offered me and of course I accepted. He also asked me if I want to meet the crew for tomorrow because they're living in the house with us. I agreed so he took me to the livingroom. On the couch was a tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes. ,,Heyo Y/N I'm Chandler Nolan already told me about you. I hope your in the challenge tomorrow." He smiled at me. ,,Who's in the challenge?" someone yelled, running in from the kitchen almost crashing into the table. I laughed at that. That one seems to be really funny. ,,I am" I answered his question with a laugh. ,,Sick! I'm Chris by the way. I'm the funny one hehe." he claimed. ,,Yo what's the yelling down there I'm streaming!" a pretty voice complained from upstairs. ,,Come down here and meet Y/N!" Chandler yelled back. ,,I need to end my stream give me a second." the voice yelled and after  a few mins I heard steps coming down the stairs. Then a pretty boy came into the living room and smiled at me which made me blush a little. ,,Okay I'm here what's up?" he said while letting his body fall on the couch. ,,Karl, this is Nolans sister Y/N. She just moved in with us and I'm introducing her to the boys. She also the last participant in the video tomorrow." Jimmy explained while karl and I locked eyes. ,,Well, I'm Karl. Nice to meet you Y/N." Karl greeted me without breaking the eye contact.
,,Nice to meet you too Karl." I smiled at him.
,,Dinner is ready! Come eat!" Nolan called us so we all went to the dinner table and ate. While eating the boys talked about tomorrows video and what they want to get. I just listened to them and ate up. After dinner we all went into our rooms. I started to fold my clothes and sort them into the wardrobe. It took me a full hour to get done with that and afterwards I set up my plushies on the shelf. When I was done with everything it was already 12 am so I switched into my PJ's and layed down on my bed and tried to sleep but then I heard a knock on my door and then Karls beautiful voice whispering
,,Y/N? Are you awake?" I chuckled and got up and opened the door with Karl standing in his PJ's, blushing at seeing me smiling at him. ,,Hey Karl, what's up?" l asked him.
,,I just wanted to see if you're ok because you were so quiet at dinner. Also I wanna watch a horror movie but everyone is asleep already so I thought I'd ask you if you wanna watch with me." he explained. ,,Sure but I might fall asleep because I'm tired." I answered as I stepped out and closed my door behind my back. Karl led me to the room on the opposite side of the hallway and opened the door for me to let me in. We sat down on his couch and he turned on the movie but just like I expected I fell asleep on Karls couch.

*Viewers Pov*

Y/Ns eyes slowly started to shut and short after her body got heavier as she fell asleep and her head slid down to Karls shoulder. At First Karl was surprised but eventually he put his arm around Y/N and pulled the blanket over her. When the movie was over Y/N was still asleep and over the time her body slid down more and more so she was laying on Karls lap and he played with her hair. After a few mins Karl wanted to pick Y/N up and carry her to her room but when he lifted her she woke up. ,,Hey do you want to go to bed?" Karl asked her. She just nodded while she was still half asleep. So he went in to pick her up. Y/N wrapped her arms and legs around Karl and like that he carried her into her room and tucked her into bed. Y/N was already sleeping again so Karl looked at her for a few mins smiling. You could tell that he liked her by the way he looked her. Quietly Karl snuck out and slowly closed the door and went to bed in his room and after a while he eventually fell asleep.

(1339 words)

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