Albus's Letter

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The Weasleys huddled together around a small round wooden table. It had a small pastry-like cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Albus!' written in bright white icing. They sung of-tune slightly as loud boom echoed through the dining room. George had pulled some crackers with Rose as Victoire hugged Albus from behind. James looked exhausted having just come back from the hell-hole he called school. His clothes were tattered and his cheek bones were prominent on his pale and thin body. He was taller than when Albus last met him, naturally. 

Albus let out a puff of air to blow out his candles. Ginny dug a knife through the cake, placing a small piece in Albus's mouth. "Come on, dinner time!" Molly yelled from behind the kitchen counter. She looked at the birthday boy with pure adoration and hint of panic. Albus was now officially eleven. Harry sat down next to his son. He kept fidgeting and biting his nails. Rose had received her letter on her birthday much to his dismay. As soon as the plates were passed on (which has a slice of delicious looking, cooked beef and peas), a very recognizable black owl swooped into the house and dropped a letter onto Albus's lap, before flying back out. 

Harry and Ginny had their eyes wide as they glanced at the letter. It had 'Albus Severus Potter, New Burrow, Dining Table,' written in neat cursive letters. Albus tilted his small head and turned to his dad who ushered him to open the letter. No dog barked as Albus read the letter out loud. He drew in a shaky breath and opened his mouth to speak,

'Headmaster: Rudolphus Lestrange, Order or Voldemort, Second Class, Rank 1

Mr. Potter, Rank 3,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on First September. Attendance is compulsory or punishments by the Seventh Order, Act one-hundred and three, issued by Lord Voldemort.

Your Sincerely,

Draco Lucius Malfoy

Deputy Headmaster.'

"He isn't going," James said quietly. Fresh tears ran down his face and Molly immediately embraced the boy. "What books do you need?" Harry said with a heavy voice. He tried to be excited for his son but he knew the conditions at what he once called his home.

"Three sets of plain work robes (black), one plain pointed hat (black) for day wear, one pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar), one winter cloak (black, silver fastenings), The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk, A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot, Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling, A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore, Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger and Fantastic beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander," Albus finished.

"All we need to buy you are dress robes," Hermione chirped. "I already bought them, along with Rose's," Molly answered. 

Time ran waiting for no one and soon the Weasley family was at the train dropping their kids off. "You stick with me okay?" James whispered to his brother as they stepped onto the platform. Albus nodded and held his older brother's hand. Harry kept his head low, trying not to attract the press's attention. "Professor Malfoy!?" James's loud voice rose, grabbing Harry's attention. James, dragging Albus along, ran up to a blond man, with a pale and tall figure. His steel grey eyes, lit up with joy on seeing the boy. "Potter Jr.! Didn't expect to see you here," his semi-deep voice spoke. 

Rose stuck by James as the others walked onto the train, trying to catch good seats. Harry noticed a small boy, identical to the professor, just a lot smaller. He looked to be around Albus's age, might even be in his year. There were two women besides the boy, A woman with hair identical to Malfoy's but tan skin and eyes oddly familiar. Harry hand almost shot up to his scar as it pricked in pain. A smaller girl, with bright skin and black hair, reminded him so much of a certain psychopath he had encountered. Her eyes were almost an emerald green like his own. 

"Be safe Albus," Harry whispered a quick goodbye to his sons as Ron and Hermione did to Rose. Malfoy tried starting a conversation but the Trio and Ginny had already walked away. Harry picked up a conversation as he was just about to exit the platform.

"My name's Albus Severus Potter," Albus introduced himself. "My name's Draco," The professor replied, "The one with blond hair is Delphini Riddle and the other ones, Aquila Harrius Black-Potter, she is your year. As well as Scorpius, my son." The Blond was a Riddle. It explained Harry's scar. What interested him more is the second girl. More precisely, her middle name. Harrius. He shrugged it off and left the platform.

"Was that the Professor you were talking about?" Albus asked his brother as they strode across the Hallway, Trying to find a seat. James nodded with a bright smile on his way. Professor Malfoy was the only person keeping him sane while his time at Hogwarts.  

"What does Rank 1 and Rank 3 mean," Albus's curious voice spoke. "Well they're positions in the wizarding world," James explained, "To cut it short, if you are from a death-eater family, you're rank 1. If you are a pureblood, Rank 2. If you are half-blood (that's us), you are Rank 3 and if you have muggle parents (like Aunt Hermione) then you are Rank 4."

"But Weasley's are Purebloods yet they are Rank 3," Albus Questioned.

"Well, Weasleys are considered blood traitors," James finished quickly. They entered the compartment, Fred had chosen and sat inside. James and Fred chatted animatedly and Albus glanced outside of the moving train's window. Trees and hills swooshed passed. Albus toyed with the notion of finding Scorpius and Aquila but thought it would be best if he let it be. He sighed as he thought about his days at Hogwarts. He just hoped he would survive.

 He just hoped he would survive

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