A conversation

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Franky snatched the Quaffle from Sahaj and threw it towards the highest hoop. Rose immediately saw the Quaffle and rushed up to it and kicked it using the end of her broomstick. Rose and rest of the Wotter (Aquila had learned it was a collective term for the Potter-Weasleys since not all of them had Weasley last names and it saved the 'Weasley cousins'. That title was a mouthful for some students) family were riding on Nimbus 2000s. Quite an old model in Aquila's head. Nimbus 5035 was the latest version. But the latest broom to come out was the Firebolt 1000 which Scorpius owned. Aquila liked her sister's old broom. It was a Firebolt 25. She felt immense pride riding that particular broom. It was a bit worn out. But they say the more worn out a broom, the better it flies. Scorpius wasn't 'Seeking' as such, just helping the Chasers with their practice. Aquila's mind however, was on Albus. There were tons of parchment spilt everywhere and an ink bottle open on the seat beside him. He used the long rectangular bench as both a table and a chair. God knew how he wrote in such conditions. Albus had soon started packing his stuff. He gave one last smile to Aquila from across the field before heading out.

"Hey Aquila," a deep voice startled her. she felt someone's warmth beside her. She turned to see a dark toned boy with deep brown eyes. A figure she knew too well. He was the last person she wanted to see, "Zabini," she grunted. Zabini ran his fingers through his hair, no doubt trying to look sexy. Key word: trying. 'Why do guys think that's attractive?' Aquila thought. "What do you want Zabini. I'm trying to enjoy practice. Zabini was wearing his Slytherin robes and Aquila was wearing her Gryffindor ones. "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade. Leave these pesky Gryffindors to practice, There're so lame," Zabini chuckled. "So, I'm lame too," Aquila said calmly still looking at the practice. he quickly realised his mistake, "No! I meant they're- never mind. You look nice," He changed the topic.

"And therefore I have value?" Aquila questioned calmly. "No! meant you look pretty today," Zabini said panicked. "So, I don't pretty on other day and since I look pretty today you want to go on a date with me," Aquila replied yet again very calmly. When Zabini didn't answer, she got up, "No I will not go on a date with you. I rather go on a date with Voldemort, and he is a homicidal maniac with no nose. Not to mention he is bald and what the world considers, my father," she finished colly before walking down the stands. She went into her room and decided it would be best if she stayed there. 


"Harry, you need to stop thinking about it for a week straight. You need to eat," Ginny's soft voice interrupted his train of thoughts. Harry sighed and took a bite out of the mashed potatoes that had grown in their back yard. It was a fine Monday morning and Harry couldn't stop thinking about what had happened to him on the Saturday of last week. Another Saturday and two more days had passed since then. "Gin, you don't understand. It was as if there was someone inside my head. Someone young and a child mostly," Harry replied. "You've had Voldemort in your head too Harry," Ginny reasoned. Harry hummed as he tried to recollect the feeling.

Someone was in his head and his scar had been bleeding. That hadn't happened in more that twenty five years or so, the bleeding part. His scar stung more the more he thought about it and before he knew it, there was bright light and he was somewhere else. It was a hallway of some sort. He recognized it instantly. Hogwarts. How was he here? He tried getting up but his right hand moved to touch his scar. He couldn't feel it though. It was as if he had become an observer of his own actions. There was a familiar figure in front of him. A boy with almond shaped green eyes and messy hair almost like his own. 'Albus,' Harry realised. "Aquila are you alright?" Albus had asked him. 'Aquila. That's their name,' Harry thought. A feminine voice, came from what he thought was himself. "Delphini. Get Delphini, tell her I hurt someone pushed me, she'll come faster then," Aquila spoke. Albus nodded and instantly left.

'Are you Harry Potter?' Harry heard in his head. 'Yes?' he answered. 'Tell me what you know about Voldemort's horcruxes?' she demanded. 'I don't know much. My memory was Obliviated but we destroyed six out of seven, I was one of them. We don't know where the last one is-' Harry managed to complete before there was another blinding light and he was back on the dining chair. With the Weasleys surrounding him. "What happened Harry," George asked. "Aquila," Harry started, "The girl who was in my head last week. Her name is Aquila. Albus knows her in some way."

"Are you sure Harry?" Hermione asked, equally concerned. Harry frantically nodded. "He needs-" Angelina started but was quickly cut off by a loud thunder that boomed into the house. "That wasn't me," George said quickly. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Harry and Molly went outside while George and Angelina stayed in. (Charlie and his family had moved to the outskirts of Britain in Muggle England and Bill and his family were on the outskirts of France). Five balls of smoke materialized from thin air and landed on the ground one by one, taking a humanoid shape. Harry drew his wand out as did the rest. The witch standing in the middle lifted her wand and muttered, "Avada Kadavera." A green light flashed from the tip of her wand. Harry tried blocking it, using shielding charms but Molly got hit. "NO!" Ginny cried as she ran towards her mother. 

Molly's now emotionless eyes stared into the distance and her skin started loosing its color. Ron slowly walked towards the two with glossy eyes and fell to his knees before he could reach. George frantically came out with Angelina, looking around. His eyes fell on Molly and he two joined the three. Meanwhile, Angelina, Hermione and Harry pointed their wands at the figures, Death-Eaters with fury of them just having killed their mother-in-law. The wizards beside the witch raised their wands too when another black ball landed in front of them. It took the shape of a blonde haired girl, with light tan skin. Her nails painted a blood red, her back turned to the Wotter family. The five Death-Eaters bowed in respect. The woman spoke in a cold voice, the sound made it known that it was used to being heard, "The dark Lord has asked you to retreat."

"But we haven't captured the boy yet," a wizard hissed.

"He has asked me to personally kill him and bring his body to Headquarters," the woman spoke. The five death-eater nodded underneath their cloaks and left without a word. "You wont kill me," Harry spoke with venom dripping in his voice. The woman turned around with a sad smile, no hint of maliciousness whatsoever. Her blue eyes fell on to the limp mother's body and then back at Harry. he instantly recognised her. Delphini Riddle.

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