My Blossom~(1939)

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My Diary~ (Rosalind)

1 April, 1939

As the first day of Spring unfolds its grandeur, the sky, a pristine canvas, painted in azure. Clouds, like delicate tufts of cotton candy. Drift lazily, adorning the heavens so dandy.

In the park, children frolic with glee,
Their laughter, a symphony that sets hearts free. Innocence and joy fill the air. Their sweet giggles, a melody beyond compare.

Through the window, my gaze is drawn. To cherry trees, nature's art freshly dawned. Their branches adorned with delicate blossoms, a soft pink and white embrace.

The allure of those blossoms, though breathtaking, is but a mere reflection of the brilliance that emanates from within your very being.
Your words, delicate and enchanting, flutter like petals on a gentle breeze, whisking me away to a realm of aesthetic wonder and poetic bliss.

In this ethereal realm, our souls intertwine, dancing to the rhythm of whispered verses, painting a love story that transcends time.




Oh, how I long to wander beneath the enchanting canopy of that resplendent cherry blossom tree, our hands intertwined in a dance of affection and serenity.~

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