"With Me"

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My Diary ~ (Rosalind)

As the gentle days of spring unfold, my mind becomes a vibrant canvas, painted with the colors of possibility.

But alas, the cherry blossoms, once a sight of unparalleled beauty, have lost their enchanting glow.

Yet, in the depths of my heart, a flicker of hope remains, my love. A hope that one day, we shall bear witness to a wondrous rebirth, a cherry blossom that surpasses all we've ever known. And in that moment, hand in hand, we shall marvel at its resplendence, creating a memory that will forever dance in the tapestry of our souls.

So let us hold onto that hope, my love. Like a precious petal carried by the wind, and dream of the day when our shared vision becomes a breathtaking reality.



Your radiant presence, like a dazzling star in the night sky, ignites a fire within me that nothing can extinguish.~

             ~"Only With Me"~

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