Chapter Ten: I'm Free

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Blossom's POV

I ran into the woods. I huffed and stopped at a tree. I leaned against it, and looked at the stars.

"I'm free." I whrispered and leaned off the tree. I jumped and ran again. I ran to the light, and saw a bus stop. I licked my lips, and pulled out my wallet. I grabbed five dollars, and run up the steps. I gave her the five, and she gave three back. I thanked her and rushed to the back.

"Hello, can I sit here?" A man asked. I scooted over and he smiled.

"Thanks." He said as I nodded.

"Your welcome." I said as he hummed.

 "Where are you going?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"I don't know, to be honest. You?" 

"I'm going to see my grand daughter. She's in pain." He said as I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to see you." I said as he hummed.

"I'm sure too. I mean, I miss her dearliy, but her aunt is such a, how do I put this. a bitch." He said as I smiled.

"Why are you running away?" He asked me as the bus stop.

"I'm not." I lied.

"Yes you are. I mean, who are you running from?"

"My life." I said as he sighed.

"Little one, you cannot run away from life. It's there, and I know you must being going a hard time. But things will get better. You just have to wait, I mean. My daughter had to wait for her superman. She was depressed when her first husband left her, she wouldn't smile. Her mother and I keep telling her, to be happy or please don't cry. But when her friends finally dragged her out of the bed, she meet him. They had a beautiful grand daughter, and now she smiles everyday." He said as a fond smile spread across his face. "Please take care of yourself. Do not push the people you love, it only gets worst to be alone. You see life is only sad cause you make it sad. We need to thank for all the good things in life, and we'll be happy in return." He said as he patted my knee.

"Thank you." I said as he smiled and got up.

"No problem, remember smile for the people who love you." He said and walked off. I stared at his walking body, and saw Brick's car driving down the road. I bit my lip and grabbed my bag and ran off. 

"Brick!" I yelled as the car stopped.

"Blossom?" He asked as he got out.

"Brick!" I yelled as he ran over. He smiled and hugged me.

"Your alive." He said as we pulled apart.

"Yeah, I am." I said as I looked down.

"Don't ever do that again." Brick said as I rasied my eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I was worried sick about you! Blossom, I care for you. I don't want you to go away." Brick said as he grabbed my arms. He sighed and hugged me. "I just don't want you to leave me." He said as I smiled.

"Me either." I whrispered as he widened his eyes.

"Go." Brick said as my heart dropped.

"What?" I asked as he let go of me.

"Go!" He yelled as a bullet passed me. I turned and saw my Aunt and Uncle.

"Damnit Blossom, go!" Brick yelled as I saw Gabe ran out. I ran towards the woods, with bullets passing by my head. I turned and saw Brick grabbing my Uncle's hand. I shooked my head and keep running.

Brick's POV

"Damnut Blossom go!" I yelled as she turned. She ran towards the woods, with her uncle shooting passed her head. I cletched my fist, and ran over to her uncle. I grabbed his wrist but he punched me with the other. I grunted and kneed him.

"Why don't you just leave her alone?" I asked as her Aunt pulled her gun at me. I grunted and pulled up the Uncle and put him infront of me.

"Answer me!" I yelled as Gabe grabbed his mom's hand.

"Please Mama, answer him." Gabe begged.

"She's killed her parents! My own sister!" Her Aunt yelled as I shooked my head.

"Lie! She didn't, they ran after her! They didn't have too, but they choose to!" I yelled as I threw her Uncle down.

"And if you can't see the truth, then don't go bother looking for her." I hissed as I ran in the woods. I dogded leaves, and stumpes and branches. 

"No!" I heard Blossom yelled, as I stopped. I ran into the direction of her voice and saw Bella holding a gun towards Blossom.

"You killed them, and I should kill you!" Bella yelled as I ran out. I grabbed Bella's wrist.

"She didn't." I hissed.

"Oh look, Blossom it's Brick. Coming to save your sorry ass again." Bella hissed as I looked down at Blossom. I saw her forehead was cut, and she was holding on to her wrist.

"Leave her alone Bella, she hasn't done anything to you!" I yelled as she widened her eyes.

"That's a damn lie! Ever since her parents died, that's all Gabe and I heard about. Blossom done, Blossom did that! My Mom wanted to kill her, but I saved her ass! Mom threaten to kill Blossom, unless I had the whole school turned against her! Do you know how it feels when so many people hate you cause of you mom? I just wanted to get it over with it!" Bella yelled as Blossom looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Blossom asked Bella as Bella looked down at the ground.

"Bye." Bella yelled as she kneed me. I huffed and raised the gun to Blossom.

"No!" I yelled as I jumped in the way. A pain was in my stomach, ringing in my ear. I heard another shot, and I widened my eyes. 

"Brick!" Blossom yelled as she grabbed me. I turned and saw Bella laying in a pool of blood. Her side of her head was bloody, and her light purple eyes was looking behind us.

"My baby!" Blossom Aunt yelled. Blossom held on to me, and Gabe rushed over.

"Brick, hang on." Gabe said as my eyes was dropping. I saw Bella shut her eyes and a small smile was on her lips. I looked back at Blossom and saw her pink eyes was full of tears. I uncovered my stomach and my eyes shut.

Heyyo Guys!!!!

So sorry for it being late!!! I was writing and planing this out!! I wanted it perfect, but it didn't go so well. Wells tells me what y'alls thinks?? Brick getting shot?? Bella killing herself??? Blossom knowing the truth about being bullied?? Who's the grandpa??? Brick saving Blossom, again???

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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