Hailee and I have been together for 5 years now but we never lived together until this pandemic happened. Quarantines and lockdowns all around the world happened and when the lockdowns started, we were sharing an apartment for one of her tour. And we loved the idea of living together so when the world was slowly starting to open up again, we decided to get a place of our own here in LA and we've been living together ever since.
And this past couple of weeks, we've been on a rage of prank wars. Nothing big though. Just those kinds where we would scare the shit out of each other, and the other one would get revenge by slamming a plate full of flour on the other one. Just those kinds of pranks. Sometimes we would record it and post it on IG or Twitter just to give our fans something to laugh at. I would end up winning though. Lol
I was scrolling on TikTok to watch some awesome yet harmless pranks to get fair with Hailee for pranking me the other day by scaring the living daylight our with the famous "stabbed my tongue with a fork" prank. That little bish. I kept scrolling until I saw this one prank and watched to check if it's harmless and by the looks of it, it is harmless. So I stood up and got everything ready while Hailee is upstairs writing a new song or something.
Once I was done preparing the prank, I went live on my phone and placed it where it will capture the scene after I explained the prank to the viewers. I slowly went up the stairs towards our shared bedroom, making sure not to fall in my own prank.
I got inside the room and saw Hailee wearing her headphones, humming to a beat she created the other day. I suppressed my giggles as I walked behind her slowly, making sure she didn't notice me and that's when I pressed the air horn and it made her jump up and scream at the top of her lungs, I took the handful of flour on my other hand and blew it to her face and yelled "GOTCHA!!" while I was a laughing mess and Hailee was shooting dagger stares at me.
"Y/N Y/L/N!!!!!!" She yelled.
Whoops. Time to run. I was laughing while running out of our room.
"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!" I can hear her footsteps behind me and I slid my way down at the handle bars of the staircase and when I got down, my foot touched the last step covered in my prank and it caused me to slip. Oh shit. This is bad.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!" Hailee yelled from the second floor looking down at me.
"Hailee, don't—!!" I was about to stop her from stepping on the stair steps but I was too late. She was slipping down the stairs in a fast pace and when she hit the ground, she bumped her head in one of the steps and twisted her ankle, causing her to cry in pain. She was curled up like a ball on the ground, holding her ankle.
"Shit. Hailee!!" I ran up to her.
"Oh, God. Baby, I'm so sorry!! Are you okay?" I started to panic when I can hear pure and full pain in her cries. I immediately called 911 and a few minutes later, a medical team arrived.
"It looked like she twisted her ankle pretty bad. We need to take her to the hospital, just to be sure and safe." I was shaking as I nodded and watch as they out Hailee in a wheelchair and take her to the ambulance. I suddenly remembered that I was live the whole time and I immediately grabbed my phone.
"Guys, I'm so sorry but I need to end this now." I saw some comments about how worried the fans were and some of them are cursing me, badmouthing me for what happened with Hailee. I turned a bit pale when I saw two familiar names in my comment section. Her dad and brother.
griffinsteinfeld: You better not show yourself here in our house anymore especially after what you did to my sister, you asshole. You don't deserve her.
petesteinfeld: Griffin is right. Don't even try to come to the hospital. I'll snap you in half if we see you there.

Hailee Steinfeld ONESHOTS (GxG)
General FictionJust a bunch of Hailee oneshots. Her other characters from movies will also be included here! Well mainly Emily Junk from the Pitch Perfect franchise and maybe a couple of Emily Dickinson