Part 1

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Ok, I promise I write other stories besides just Maya getting hurt, and I was going to publish something else, but I am close to finishing this story (I think it is going to end up having 5 parts) so I wanted to get it published here.  I hope you like it.  


She was fine. She was Maya Bishop. She won an Olympic gold medal on a sprained ankle. She had run through more illnesses and injuries than she could count so when she fell while running, she thought she was fine.

She had put her arms out in front of her, like a normal person would, to stop herself from falling, and the force of the fall caused pain to shoot through both her arms and they both collapsed under her. She had somehow tripped while getting ready to cross the street, meaning she fell from the sidewalk onto the street, making the fall that much harder.

She got up, looking around, glad she was alone. She started running again, both of her arms throbbing as she headed home.

When she got there, she found that her hands hurt when she opened the door. Carina, her girlfriend of a year and a half, was at work, though she was supposed to be home in the next hour.

Maya had hoped she would be done with work earlier than she was so that she could run and then make dinner, but they got called to a 3 alarm fire twenty minutes before shift end so instead of getting off eight hours before Carina, she only got off two hours before her, meaning her plans of making dinner were pretty much gone.

As Maya started stretching to cool down, she noticed her arms were hurting more but she just ignored it, going into the bathroom and hopping in the shower. She struggled to wash her hair, her arms really hurting. She figured she probably just sprained them somehow which was annoying, but not something she was worried about. She got out, pulling on a sweatshirt and some shorts.

She thought about going into the kitchen and making her normal post-workout protein shake, but she was not feeling super well all of a sudden so instead, she just went to start some laundry.

As she painfully put the first load in, the front door opened.

"Car?" Maya called, pressing start on the machine before heading toward the front door.

"Hi Bambina," Carina smiled, walking over to her, planting a kiss on her lips as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, "How are you?"

"Good," Maya smiled, "How are you?"

"Good," Carina said, "Hungry."

"Why don't you go shower and I'll order something. What are you in the mood for?"

"Pizza from Gina's?" Carina asked.

"Sounds great," Maya nodded.

Maya ordered food before grabbing two wine glasses and a bottle of wine, bringing them into the living room. As she did, a shock of pain ran through her arm, causing her to drop one of the wine glasses.

"Shit," she said, carefully avoiding the glass as she went to get something to clean the mess.

She had most of the glass up when Carina walked out of the bathroom.

"What happened?" the brunette asked as she pulled one of Maya's long-sleeved t-shirts.

"I dropped a wine glass," Maya sighed, shaking her head, "It's fine. I think I got all the glass up, but maybe shoes in this room for the next little bit?"

Carina nodded, walking over to her. She started kissing her, Maya almost bringing her to the couch when there was a knock on the door.

"That's dinner," Maya said, pulling back.

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