Part 4

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Turned out, the virus Maya brought home from the station was brutal, both of them ending up in bed for five days feeling miserable. Maya felt bad because she had to ask Carina for help with everything even when the brunette was miserable herself. However, eventually, they both managed to kick the virus.

"As much as I have hated lying in bed and feeling like utter garbage for almost a week, I am going to miss having you around," Maya said as they laid in bed the night before Carina had to go back to work.

"I am going to miss being here with you," Carina said, playing with Maya's hair as she sat in her lap, "But can you please not bring home any more sicknesses from the station until you have use of your arms again. Or preferably never."

"I'll try," Maya laughed, "But you know how we share things there."

"Si," Carina sighed, shaking her head as she pressed a kiss into Maya's hair, "Well, I might just have to ban you from going there then."

"Only if I can ban you from going to the hospital," Maya said, turning and looking at her girlfriend.

"Why would you do that?" Carina asked cheekily.

"Because when you go there, I miss you too much," Maya said, leaning up and kissing Carina.

"Is that so?" the Italian asked, raising an eyebrow, "Well, maybe I should just quit my job then because I can't have you suffering through missing me."

"No, we can't," Maya said, starting to deepen the kiss before pulling back, sighing.

"What's wrong?" Carina asked.

"I wish we could do more than just make out," Maya said, sitting up.

"Who says we can't?" Carina asked, looking at Maya.

"Carina, I can't use my hands," Maya said, "Or move my arms at all."

"We can do...other things," Carina said, raising an eyebrow, "You don't need hands to let me take care of you..."

"But this can't just be one sided," Maya said, shaking her head.

"Well, it is a good think I can move around just fine," Carina said, kissing Maya's neck.

The blonde felt body start to respond instinctually to her girlfriend's lips, moaning a little bit. Carina had her way with Maya, the blonde realizing how much she had missed being touched that way by her girlfriend.

Once Carina was done, Maya decided to try to give her girlfriend the same good time she had just had. That, however, proved to be significantly more difficult. It was frustrating to Maya that she wasn't able to just satisfy her girlfriend in the way she normally could. However, after trying a few positions, they finally figured it out, no matter how awkward it might have felt for Maya getting there.

Once they were done, Maya cuddled into Carina's lap as the Italian played with her hair, her bulky cast resting on pillows.

"That went better than I anticipated," Maya said, looking up and giving Carina a kiss, "If I knew we could do that, I would have asked to do it weeks ago."

"I didn't think you wanted to," Carina said, "You were so grumpy and uncomfortable I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to make you feel pressure or that we needed to, but I am glad we did."

"Me too," Maya said, "Now I really don't want you to go back to work."

"We will still find plenty of time for this when I am working," Carina said, kissing Maya's nape, "We have more time now if you want."

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