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"Is this how we are going to be?"

"Its getting late you should go sleep " , I said finding myself unable to answer to his question.

"Yeah it's getting pretty late I'll leave "He said, grabbed his jacket and left without even looking at me.

This is not done , does he have better answer to it . I sat down on the sofa and facepalmed myself.

Jimin's pov

"What was I even expecting. Even I don't have an answer to it. I - I just spoiled her mood."

"Can we talk through this , can something be done cuz even if it's just been a day or two I have grown used to her"

"I want her around , I have started falling for her"

"The way she calls me , the way she looks at me , it arouses me so fucking much but still she manages to calm me down just by looking at me and just with her words when I'm mad "

"We need to do something, even if it means a long distance relationship, if that's what takes to be together. I just don't want to end our relationship without even starting it"

"I ne-need to talk to he-"

Knock knock

who is at 2.30 in the morning

I went to the door, "Park open the door", Y/n this late, what is she doing here, is she here to end it all , Can't we even spend time tomorrow , together, are we through this alre-
"Park open the door it's cold", Oh shit she's cold

I swung the door all open . She ran inside in her mini shorts and placed herself on my bed with blanket covering her all.

This is the first time I saw her in such clothing , Oh God let me pass through this night

"Y/n what hap-" , "Park can you turn the heater on I'm cold "

I vigorously nodded and brought the heater closer to the bed.

"The corridor is so cold , I almost freezed"
I covered the blanket more properly around her, "want some hot chocolate? "
She smilled and nodded with her trembling lower jaw. She must be really cold.

I returned from the mini kitchen counter with 2 mugs of hot chocolate

"Here", "Than- no marshmallows?" She asked with a pout , ayy she's such a cutie.

"I thought you don't prefer it since you are model , so I didn't put it in either ones"

"So you like marshmallows in hot chocolate?" I nodded and she ran to the counter or should I say she tip toed because the floor was cold as she didn't have slippers on.

"Who cares about diet when you like to eat something. I'll do anything for the things I lob" She said the word love in a cute way.

"Anything? like?" I asked as if expecting something.

"Mmm... like I thought something about us"she said drinking her hot chocolate

Must be the decision for being in a long distance relationship

"Is it us being in a long distance relationship? " I asked but she said nothing so I continued making sure I don't sound wrong

"Hey if that's the way of being with you I'm ready. If that's what takes . I'm getting a habit of you in such a short time and I don't want to let go of this"

"So you want a long distance relationship, did I make all those efforts for nothing " She said with a frown.

What does she mean?

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