Wreck me

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"First tell me something .We have been together for 11 months now. Did you never want me?" He looked at me with a confused look , all startled by my sudden question. When he didn't answer anything " I'll take that as a yes then " I said removing my hands from his shoulders. "No no no y/n you are taking me all wrong. I get turned on just by looking at you it's.....it's just I didn't want you to think anything like I want you for only sex or something. You are a virgin I thoughtI'll hurt if I try..." He finally says holding me by my arms.

"I'd never think that." I tell him. He looks away from me but I grab his cheeks to make him look at me. "Never say that again, I don't believe that you would be capable of doing something to me like that. Never...so don't ever think something like that again." I tell him in a whisper. He just nods before kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. He finally wraps his arms around my waist. That's when the kisses got rougher, and more heated. He tilts his head and he pulls my lips with his. My fingers in his hair, I just let him kiss me the way he wants. I decide to take a chance and push my tongue into his mouth. He hums against my lips and his tongue takes dominance as he pushes his into my mouth. I gasp and he doesn't let our lips disconnect as he works wonders with his tongue. His hand touches my skin under my shirt. I find myself pulling onto him as I lay back on the bed.

For a while he's hesitant, but finally he follows me . I pull him on top of me. I know I'm good at kisses now but will I be good tonight? I was ripped away from my thoughts when I feel him rub up against me, causing me to let out a moan in his mouth. I've turned him ? He trails hot kisses down my neck and I arch my back as I roll my hips into him. He sets his hand on my hip and I wrap my legs around him.
My panties have never felt so wet in my life. He rips away from my neck and attacks my collar bone. His hand finds its way up the front of my shirt, caressing my right clothed breast.He trails his kisses back up to my lips. I feel his hips drop into me again and I feel something hard in his pants as he lessens the space between us.

I pull off his shirt, exposing his hard sexy body. "I'll take it slow." He whispers as he starts kissing me again.
He's on top of me, grinding up against me. I let out a small moan as I feel his hard member against my core. He slips off my shirt. He kisses up my torso. His hand running down my side. His lips all over my neck and I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers run into his hair. I let out a breath and pull my hips up to his, he hums against my neck.

My fingers grip at his dark locks, and his fingers find their way to the waistline of my pants. He looks up at me, as if asking for permission. I nod . " Only at your command, I need words Baby" He said holding onto my belt . I want this . I want him . I have been wanting him for so long. And I want to give him something special on his birthday. "Wreck me Mr.Park" I finally let out and he in a blink slips my pants off. He examines my body, I close my legs until he pulls them apart to get a good look at my body. I have never been in such a state infront of anyone my entire life. I bite my lip and stare at him as he looks at me with those eyes, a little smirk pulling on his lips.

"Those businessmen who wanted you..... I feel bad for them. They really missed a Lott...." He says as he runs his hands up and down my body. I sit up and pull on the front of his belt.

He chuckles " Its my day.. "pushes me back. "So let Daddy be incharge tonight . I want your first .... I mean our first to be " He pulls off my underwear.

"Unforgettable." He finally says before burying his face in between my legs, I gasp. I've never felt this way before, my hands grip onto his hair "jii-minn" I moaned. The way he worked his tongue and lips, I just can't explain the overdose of pleasure he's giving me at this moment. He pins down my thighs to the bed, wide open so he has full access to everything." Its Daddy for you baby" He said and headed back down an presses his lips against mine. My moans became louder and more uncontrollable. I gasp and let out a heavy breath. I'm about to hit my climax when he stops.

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