♡ fever? ♡

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yatora's POV

today i woke up feeling happy as the first person i'm meeting today is maru. well, of course the first one is my mother but i want to count maru as the first person as well. haha.

"yakkun! here's your bento box." my mother hands me a box wrapped with a home handkerchief.

everyday in my life is not dull anymore. i feel like i have a purpose to achieve in life.


while walking down the sidetrack heading to maru's house, i pick up my phone instantly after receiving the notification sound.

it was from maru.

it was from maru

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so...this is it. the only first person i met today is my mother.

ahh, it must be boring today.

duh. putting my hands in my pocket, i have to act like it doesn't bother me.

it's okay, there will always be another day. i have three more companions who can liven my day. had to minus ryuuji, who is always picking a fight with me.


as im walking up the stairs, "oi, yatora. your girl isn't coming today?" the complex and controversial ryuuji is approaching.

is there anything else he could talk about apart from maru? "no, she came down with flu this morning."

ryuuji smirks as he crosses his arms, standing tall on the upper floor. "what?" i questioned, shrugging my shoulder, my face flushes with puzzlement. what possessed him to talk to me this early?

"eee– i didn't even mention 'your girl's' name. do you have any idea who that is?" as the stupid grin grows wider, he emphasizes the words 'your girl.' 

the sense then knifed my inner self gravely, "what the...-" i muttered myself, looking away. forget about it! each second counts so i have to enter the class quickly and this irritating dweeb is standing like a slab! i dash pass through him like nothing has happened. exhale, yatora, let's just lose sight of the fact of what i have said before. it's not like ryuuji will spread it to the whole school.


nawaru's POV

i despise the pain of this fever. indeed i want to lay back, but this isn't what i asked for!

sighing, what a waste, i should have gone to school with yaguchi today. i won't even be able to join the cram lesson this evening. i'm curious about what assignment ooba sensei will let me do today. thinking deeper, i think there is also a benefit of this. at the very least, i can relax for the entire day as there is no schoolwork or assessment.

i sit alone on my bed, gazing at a portrait painted by yaguchi that had been hung behind the door. sighing happily, "he's advancing."

i'm fatigued as if my energy has been spent. i drew the comforter over my entire body and shut my eyes for a second, soon being soothed into a dream world.


i'm awake with a cold sensation on my forehead. oh, a koolfever. i adjust my lean to the left and see a silhouette of a man pouring water into a glass on a little tabletop in front of my bedside. "there's prince in my room..." half-asleep as i mumble, i rub my blurry vision hastily and see him. it's yaguchi.

oh.. just yaguchi.


"yaguchi-kun?! why- no, how-???" half-jumping out of the bed, i think i'm dreaming. how long have i fallen asleep just now? i hope he can't hear what i said just now. what if he heard it and think i'm weird?

why is he here?

how did he get here?

is this what i get for thinking about him before sleep?

thousands of questions poured through my mind like a drunken woman.

he sighs softly as he grins, "are you feeling better now?" he puts his hand under my neck to feel the heat.

i stoned. 

ehhhh--??? why the sudden move? this can't be true, i must be dreaming. come on! nawaru, wake up! i feel like slapping myself multiple times but i can't make it obvious. HE IS RIGHT HERE IN MY ROOM AGAIN.

then my mother emerges at the door, her eyes became a straight line as she smiles. "thank you very much for your concern, yaguchi-san." 

"ah...my pleasure." yaguchi replies.

uhuh...someone's having too much fun there.

"nee, maru-san, i bought a soluble tablet from the pharmacy for you to consume. here." he hands a glass of panadol solution to me gently. 

"o-oh thanks...and please don't get too close, i don't want you to catch my cold." i adjust my pillow to lean my back on the headboard comfortably.

"actually, they say a cold heals quickly if you give it to someone else." 

i flick his hand, "where did you get that? what are you even saying? my 'no' is solid. stay away a lit-" i choked and coughed on my own spit, unable to continue the sentence.


"oh, i'm sorry. are you alright?" instantly, a concerned expression on his face flashes. luckily, my fever had previously covers my clumsy coughing. it's not noticeable that i'm choking due to saliva. ahh, embarrassing.


"then, i'll get going right now." as he shuts my door, yaguchi shouts, "speedy recovery, maru-san!"

he reopens the room door me as i curl up on my cozy bed, adding "remember to take your medication as well as the vanilla pudding i purchased. i hope you can go to school tomorrow."

as i lean down, i smile. see? he can be charming at times, and i believe i can verify my feelings now. i have a feeling for him.

OH MY GOD... THIS IS NOT ME. i shriek through the pillow, my cheeks reddens. my soul can't bear the tension of recalling everything that happened just now!

how am i supposed to go to school tomorrow...


my apologize for the delaying update. im currently dealing with my finals hehe :D

thank you for adding this in your reading list <3 you made me happy.

have a great day ahead :)

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