Chapter 2 (Woods' POV)

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I watched silently, Benjamin and Matt, face to face, tension rising. If that monster lays a finger on Matt, I'm gonna make him pray for death. Tanner, Quinn, and I sat from behind the bushes near Red Base, watching the confrontation. Matt nervously glanced over to us, concerned, possibly for us. I wasn't nervous, however, just pissed off.

Ever since Ben struck me in the back of the head, knocking me out cold, I have resented, loathed, that phantom. Stealing coordinates is one thing, but assaulting one of us? That'll end badly for anyone. I gazed back at Matt, showing no fear. Matt stared at me, knowing full well I was ready to hop into action, giving me a warning look. I'm not letting you get hurt, dude, I silently muttered to Matt.

Matt gave me one last look, a concerned gaze mixed with a stern warning, turning back to Ben. I don't care, Matt doesn't know everything. He's wrong about this one, no doubt. A cold hand, steady yet shaky, was slowly placed on my shoulder, gripping it firmly.

Alarmed, I whipped around, finding Tanner gazing at me with concern, and warning, like Matt's stare only seconds ago. Of course, they all think I'm gonna screw up! C'mon! I'm tryna save your butts! I glanced back at him, clearly annoyed, and then back to Matt. Matt was clearly talking to Ben, a serious tone coating his words. Ben shifted in response, barely moving, slow and steady with each motion. What's this dude planning? I mean, why is he here? Why did he agree to this? It's just...odd.

As the confrontation went on, my anxiety and eagerness only grew, so strong I could barely resist the urge to strike and end it. Suddenly, Ben shrieked, blood-curdling and horrific. My eyes shot over to him, ready to shoot up and end this. Ben stepped backwards, his body language changing into a fearful one, his hands over his ears. Matt stepped back, holding up his knife in a defensive way. This dude's gonna play now, huh? I swear... Ben suddenly screamed in a more human voice,

"Get out of my head!" He thrashed violently, back and forth, all the while Matt was defending himself, holding up the knife. I was about ready to jump up, when Ben stopped, shoving the mask off, revealing the scarred tatters of what remains of his face. He started to talk in a more pleading tone, making gestures that were much more humanized, much different from the cloaked figure standing in the same spot only seconds ago. Matt lowered his knife, a nervous but sympathetic expression painted on his face.

No! This is a trap! I tried to cry out to him, but every muscle in my body held me in place, like tree roots weaving in the ground. My gaze was focused on the phantom as he pleaded with Matt, fear clouding his eyes. This has got to be another trap, or something...maybe the serum warping his mind...whatever it is, I'm gonna end it.

I glanced back at Matt, nervousness mixed with pity swirled in his blue eyes. He still held up the knife, although he seemed to be more comfortable, less worried that he would get hurt, at least. As I quickly glanced back at Ben, he gave off another shriek, stumbling backwards, holding his ears, desperately trying to block out whatever was making him insane. Matt yelled at him, anxiety cloaking his words. Ben responded, tears streaming down his cheeks. What's going on? T-this can't be real...h-he's faking it, right?

Suddenly, Ben stopped, he stood up straight, head held high, arms wrapped behind his back. I could barely see the smile, all too wide for his face, blood, no...serum, spilling out. My gaze was fixed on him, immovable. He spoke in a deep, reverberated voice, nearly demonic sounding. Woah, okay that's different. He spoke, standing still, staring at Matt with gleaming red eyes. I tore my eyes away from the phantom, instead gazing at Matt who looked nervous, yet brave, ready to attack if needed, holding the knife up.

Ben said something to Matt, calm and calculated in tone. Matt responded, seemingly annoyed, quite serious. Ben shifted forwards, causing both Matt and me to stiffen. Before I could dart out to stop it, Ben lunged forward, grabbing Matt by the neck and lifting him into the air, choking him. NO!

I darted forward, running full speed at the phantom. I shoved myself into him, trying to knock him off balance, but it didn't faze him. C'MON! I spotted the knife Matt wielded lodged in the phantom's arm, and grabbed it. I pulled it out and, with all my strength, plunged it into his side. The phantom grunted in pain, in turn dropping Matt to the floor.

My gaze was fixed on the phantom, watching as he slowly turned to me, gazing at me with gleaming red eyes, filled with hatred. He lunged at me, tackling me to the ground, landing with a thump. The landing knocked the wind out of me, giving the phantom the advantage. The phantom pulled out the knife from his side forcefully, and tried to plunge it into my chest. I rolled out of the way, getting up, ready to fight again.

The knife went straight into the pavement, causing cracks to spread from the hit point. Crap... The phantom pulled out the knife, seemingly easily, turning towards me slowly, red eyes glowing brightly. He lunged again, swinging the knife towards my chest. I dodged to the side, surprised by his speed. He slashed once again, nearly hitting my left shoulder. I stepped backwards, risking a quick glance at Matt who was on the ground, struggling to breathe, Sam and Bailey at his side.

Just as I was about to run over there, pain seared through my chest. I looked down to see a slash mark scored into my chest, the phantom looking at the wound with triumph. I staggered backwards, the pain overwhelming. No, no, no, no... I was caught by something behind me. Whipping around, I saw Quinn, arm around my back, supporting me.

"C'mon dude, we need to get you out of here, Matt too," Quinn muttered

"I'm fine, just...I'm gonna end this," I protested, icily. I glanced up, seeing Sam and Bailey tend to Matt and Tanner trying to throw a punch at the phantom. How did this night go so wrong?

Author's Note

Hey! Sorry for not uploading much recently, just haven't had any motivation. There won't be as many parts around this time, just letting y'all know. Until next time, peace!

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