Epilogue (Matt's POV)

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*3 weeks later*

I walked into Red Base, preparing myself for anything and everything. Sam was sitting on the couch next to Woods and Bailey, all three snapping their attention to me.

"Hey Matt!" All three said simultaneously. I walked over to the couch, readying myself for a heavy conversation. I sat down next to Woods, the soft couch giving into my weight. Geez, we need to get new couches...

"So...uhh...how are you doing?" I asked Woods, hoping that he's been feeling better since the...incident.

"Well, definitely a lot better...been coughing a lot, though." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"I mean, that's a lot better than before right?"

"Yeah..." I paused, letting the moment warm the atmosphere, this being the first time we've had even the slightest amount of joy since...well... As the moment faded, I sighed, deciding it was best to face the task at hand.

"I know we don't want to talk about this but...we have to tell Subject 4 about...this." They all looked down at the floor, clearly uncomfortable. After a moment, Sam spoke up.

"I mean...I agree we do have to tell Subject 4. The last time we've talked to them was a week ago, just confirming we are okay."

"Yeah. Okay, let's go grab the camera and bring it to Blue Base." Everyone nodded in agreement, following me out of Red Base over to Blue Base. I opened the door with a click, holding it open for the others.

"Sam, can you go grab the camera? We'll just set up in the commons."

"Okay." I made my way over to the couch, thankful that at least this couch was in good condition. Bailey sat in one of the chairs, Woods grabbing a water bottle from the kitchen.

"Do you know what you're going to say?" Bailey asked, curious.

"I know roughly what I want to say, but...I haven't really thought it out much." Sam came around the corner with the camera, headphones on, ready to film. Woods came back out of the kitchen, a couple water bottles in hand.

"Ready?" Sam asked. I paused for a moment, readying myself.


"Okay, 3, 2, 1..."

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