Preface:The Beginning

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Now that all the serious is out of the way I hope you enjoy Red Lily Alpha!

This first part isn't necessary to read it isn't part of the main plot of the book, I wrote it as a little more background into how I visualize the werewolf species started. Some parts of it will be mentioned later on in the book. If you don't want to read it you can skip ahead to the Prologue and won't miss any of the main story! 

Happy reading!

9:17 Am :Arcanine Labs 

I'm in the lab again I just can't seem to find the right mixture to cure cancer as well as all the other defects, I need to add something else to the serum. The hotshot dumbasses helping to fund me have no idea what I'm actually doing. Curing cancer, Ha! If only they knew, I'm so close to my breakthrough I've already found the cure to blindness, being deaf, and anosmia. Those were the easy ones, but it's not enough. In the process of finding those, I found solutions to problems like muscle atrophy and abfractions. But who cares! I need more, if I was a lesser being like my fellow "coworkers" I would be rich by now living on a beach somewhere. They don't understand what's a stake here, I'm on the verge of a breakthrough. This is larger than me, than any of us!

"That's it!" looking around realizing I had exclaimed that out loud. The idiots around me giving me weird looks. My lab rats all wondering what I found this time. Grumbling under my breath about their idiocy I make my way over to my laptop and snatch it up running a new simulation. Instead of adding just a small piece of the DNA of the wolf, I would add a larger piece. The collection process would kill several just to get enough of a sample, but it's for the greater good. There are casualties to every great discovery. I'll name a few when they finally see me for how smart I am. How revolutionary I am! No one ever took me seriously even with an IQ that makes me a genius, but I'll show them, I'll show them all how smart I am! I'm getting ahead of myself, I need to focus. Grabbing my coffee and taking a small sip I nearly spit it out. It's cold. Disgusting. Have I been working so long my coffee is cold? Whatever it doesn't matter, this is important! Snapping my fingers at one of my lab rats I try to remember its name. Jessie? Susan? Brittany? Whatever I should just number them it would be so much easier. The stupid being finally works her way over and I gesture to my now abandoned coffee.

"I need another. Now. " She grabs the cup and quickly scurries off to do my bidding. Focusing again I move my attention to the laptop once more. Hurriedly I type in the fields for the computer and change the simulation. I set the computer down on my desk while it runs the numbers. I walk briskly away to the edge of the lab and through the door to my holding cages. Walking down the isles the mutts growl at me but I don't care they are just the meat for my experiments. Quickly doing a count of the mutts left alive I'm left short. There isn't enough! I had 10 last week, I had 30 more caught, but now I'm only left with 5! doing the math in my head I realize I used more of the brain stem in the last experiment and was left with very few resources after. I'll need more if this simulation runs properly, at least 10 for one sample. I'll need to tell the lab rats to do something useful and get me more mutts for the next round. They hate when I ask that, sympathy for the creatures or something blocks their ability to move forward without a care. They just don't understand, it's a means to an end. Once I get the right pattern for the simulation none of this will matter, everything will be curable. I'll just have to remind them of the cause, if that doesn't work ill just have to remind them of something else. That their cooperation is all it takes to keep their families alive.

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