Chapter 7: Strength

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-Omega Dahlia-

My wolf is so loud in my head I'm not sure I hear what the Alpha said. My wolf is howling her despair, our mate doesn't think we are strong enough to stand by his side, he's rejecting us.
The altercation between the two alphas almost goes unnoticed, but the mood in the room changes as Alpha Davis reads the sheets of paper passed to him by my Alpha. His features turn murderous and the words that come after completely befuddle me. He's going to report him to the council? For what? If he's rejecting me why did he call me his mate?
Suddenly he approaches me and grabs me by the arm telling me to direct him to my quarters. My arm that's free comes up to wipe my face only just realizing I was crying. The sparks coming from his hold on my arm calm my despaired wolf and my racing heart.
Without thinking my start leading him to my house to collect my things my eyes trained to the ground and my pace brisk to keep stride with him.
Once leaving the pack house he stops me by my arm.
"Where are you going? I told you we need to collect your things?" He's voice gruff. I'm sure he's confused as most unmated wolves live in the pack house he believes me to be leading him elsewhere. Not sure what to say because I don't want to seem as if I'm correcting him. My wolf although calmer is still uncertain where we stand with our mate and whines.
Distracted by him touching me and my wolf I hadn't realized that my wolf was vocalizing to him out loud. My voice comes out as a soft whine.
"Mate. Speak to me now. We don't have time to dawdle." His temper rising once more. I choose the safe bet and decide to only refer to him by his formal title.
"Alpha Davis sir.. I don't live in the pack house." My voice is nearly inaudible and frustration flashes across his face followed shortly by confusion.
"Okay then carry on."
I continue to lead him to my house. His hand on my arm the whole way. Pack members stop to stare and my wolves hackles go up. Alpha Davis noticing my wolfs reaction through my body language. He growls in warning for all onlookers to move on and stop staring. They all quickly move on.
Arriving at my house we make our way to the door and I dig my keys out of my pocket. As soon as the door is open I step aside and gesture for him to enter my home.
His presence decreases the size of the space making things appear smaller than they are. His eyes roam to all of the packed and labeled boxes, my home bare and packed already.
"You were going to leave regardless of your Alphas decision?" His eyes try to meet mine but my chin sinks lower, he's going to tell my alpha and I'll get punished. "Mate. Answer me." He again steps into my personal space and lifting my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his.
"Yes, Alpha." My voice comes out as a meek whisper. The tingles moving across my skin forcefully calm my nerves the mate bond forcing me to relax in his touch. But I know the truth, I know he doesn't want me, he can't want an Omega as a mate.
"Don't you know the rouges out there wouldn't hesitate to kill you? Didn't you figure that out since your most resent experience?" His tone is exasperated. Why is he upset with me? Doesn't he realize that's why I would have to leave?
"Yes Alpha." I stare at his forehead to avoid direct eye contact. He really is trying to test me.
"Then why?" He doesn't seem to understand and his patience is running thin, alphas don't like to not have all the answers.
"My wolf no longer sees this as her pack. We no longer respect or hold loyalty to the Wild Sunflower pack. Alpha." I do my best to explain to him, I realize that my answer is betraying my pack but I can't seem to feel guilty for it.
"Stop calling me that." His wolf comes forward and growls out at me. My blood runs cold in my veins, my muscles freeze. I'm faltering figuring out where I went wrong, I didn't make eye contact, I called him by his title, I didn't speak unless spoken to. Slowly I take a step back I'm too close and his hand was still holding my chin. With my backward movement I drop my eyes back to the ground and my shoulders start to curl forward.
"Stop that." My heart rate rises, what have I done now? My whole body is a block of ice. I will stop breathing if he asks me to. "Gah, fucking Colton, you stupid piece of shit." Out of the corner of my eye I see him running his hand through his hair none to gently.
"Look mate, I'm not trying to scare you, why don't we start this over, I'm at a disadvantage I don't even know your true full name." He relaxes his stance with his arms by his sides, and stares at me waiting for a response. I'm at a loss not him, what could he possible want with me? Why does he even want my name, he knows what they call me isn't that enough? I must take too long to answer because he sighs again. I'm so lost in my thoughts and confusion I don't notice his approach until his hand is on my chin forcing my gaze to his.
My innate reaction is to recoil from the touch and avoid eye contact. This time he doesn't let me pull away and holds my arm with his opposite hand.
"Mate. Tell me your name." He's demanding a response from me again.
"My given name is Dahlia Carter, Alpha Davis." I'm sure to add his full title as last time he was upset by how I addressed him.
"Dahlia Carter." He tests my name out and my wolf purrs at the sound of it off of his lips. "I told you not to call me that." Now I'm even more confused and it must show on my face because he smooths the crease between my eyebrows.
"What would you like me to address you as... sir?" I trail off and add the sir I hopes that it will appease him, but by the answering look on his face it doesn't.
"Teton, or Teton Davis. You are my mate and can call me as such." His statement has me at a loss, he openly called me his mate and he said I get to address him as mine. What?
"Sir, forgive me but you said I'm not strong enough to be your mate. You are rejecting me correct?" I immediately regret the words that have left my body and wish to put them back because his wolf growls and his hold gets tighter on me. His eyes show he's resisting changing into his wolf form or fighting for control against his wolf.
"Dahlia, if those words leave your mouth again I can assure you that my wolf won't hold back twice on claiming what's his." My saliva is stuck in my throat and my mouth has gone dry. He didn't actually answer my question.
"Alpha I'm sorry for my miss-step, please forgive me."
"For the last time Dahlia, don't call me that." His eyes flash and I'm not sure what to do, I mis-spoke in my hurry to remedy the situation. I can't seem to stop fucking up today.
"Sorry Al-, sorry Teton Davis sir." I'm fumbling to get a response that appeases him.
"Dahlia. You are my mate. You will not call me Alpha, or sir again." His voice could melt diamonds, I'm also pretty certain there was an alpha command punctuating his wishes. I'm sure that my body is shaking. He pulls me even closer to him and wraps his arms around my shoulders pressing me to him. My hands land on his pecks my instinct to push away from the danger. I must not be giving him the response he was looking for because he holds my tightly to him with one arm and pulls my chin up with his other hand. "Mate, breath." He looks worried for a second, I hadn't realized that when he pulled me close to him I held my breath in fear of what he was doing. Releasing a shaky breath, my body seems to relax on its own. My wolf is in a haze because of the mate bond and my body relaxes itself in its mates embrace.

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