Prologue: First meeting

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     He strides towards me, hands clenched at his sides, eyes like fire. He must know that I'm cursed, that I'm not worthy of an Alpha as my mate. I try to steel myself for the moment that I wasn't sure would ever come. I'm sure of one thing, he will have to reject me, an Omega cannot be a Luna. The closer he gets the more warry my wolf and I feel, she wants him to accept us but we both know its unlikely. As he creeps ever closer my wolf gets the better of me and releases a pitiful whine, desperate to shrink away from his thunderous expression. What could I have possible done to anger him already? Echos through my mind.

     Finally he's directly in front of me I cant bare to look into his eyes, to look into an Alphas eyes is a direct challenge. I see his hand abruptly raise, I try not to flinch away and shrink in on myself but move to take a step back. My mistake, not realizing that I was already against the wall. Another pitiful whine escapes through my sealed quaking lips. Abruptly cut off by his hand grasping my chin and forcing my gaze upward. My wide surprised eyes want to close so badly but cant, stuck on his piercing brown ones. A rumble that sounds ominously angry comes from his chest, from his wolf, staring upon what I'm sure is my terrified expression. He towers over me. His other hand comes up to cup my cheek and he says the words I've been dreading and expecting my entire life.

"You aren't strong enough to be any Luna of mine." and with that he releases me and steps away. I had almost preferred to think that because I was cursed I wouldn't have a mate. The pain my wolf and I feel at hearing the words nearly brings me to my knees. Why Moon Goddess? What have I done to deserve this fate? 
Dahlia is a born Omega of the Wild Sunflower Pack. Because of her unique birthmark and the coincidental name of her mother's diagnosis upon death, she is deemed cursed. After her mother's death, Dahlias life quickly falls into disarray. Her father unable to handle his mates death follows her to the moon goddess soon after. Dahlia is left to the packs care where she faces the trials and tribulations of being not only an Omega but also deemed cursed. When she turns 18 will she have a mate to help her face not only her past, but her future? Or will she have to find the strength to be more than she sees herself as, on her own? Follow Dahlia through Red Lily Alpha and see if she has the strength to write her own future.

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