Chapter 6: Journey Home

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-Alpha Teton-

Arriving at Moon Springs pack after our detour we pull in to find cars being unpacked in the driveway and a celebration of sorts being held. Exiting the vehicle I see that Moon Springs Alpha has only just returned himself and with a women who could only be his mate. Lucky bastard. Alpha Octavius walks up with his new mates hand held in his own. As they get closer I realize I recognize the women's face, Alpha Amelia Justice daughter, Casandra. Go figure she would be mates with this love sick pup. My mood dropping further as I'll have to continue looking for a suitable choice mate.
"Hello, and welcome Alpha Teton Davis! Our apologies on our informal greeting we have just arrived home ourselves, this years grand meeting trip was successful, I found my own mate only my second meeting while visiting in Hollow earth, you must've met since you had been their just before I correct?" His body standing slightly in front of hers, a protective mate around an unmated older alpha male. Their mate marks fresh on their necks.
"Yes, Luna Cassandra, good to see you have both found your other half, congratulations on the pairing. Now if you don't mind I still have to travel back to Wild Sunflower pack so if we could keep this brief." My tone formal but my patience clearly short. His wolf rises at the tone in my voice. A perceived threat on his new mate.
"Yes of course, this way." His face tightens not as relaxed as he was originally. I don't miss how he turns his mate and walks her in front of him out of my view and a direct shield from her to me. Elijah who normally stays back and waits with the others is at my right feeling the tension between us. We all make our way inside the white three story building, and he leads us up a flight of stairs to his office on the second floor. He quietly murmurs to Casandra as we walk but otherwise our short trip is silent.
Once in the office he gets straight to work and pulls out his portion of all of the necessary papers, to my surprise ready to be reviewed and signed, I have to appreciate that at least he was prepared for our meeting not with his head so high up in the clouds that he can't do his job as an alpha. He sits in a desk chair opposite to us and pulls Casandra into his lap.
The two newly marked mates make me want to roll my eyes but I refrain.
The revised treaty and other paperwork goes smoothly and I'm pleased that even as a new alpha he is taking his position seriously. Finally with all the paperwork out of the way Elijah and I move to leave.
"Thank you for adjusting your schedule to meet with us earlier than planed, we'll be in touch." We dismiss ourselves walking out of the pack house and load back up into the cars to make our way to the last pack we will travel to have meetings this year. After Wild Sunflower pack I'll have one meeting left but they travel to my pack. Alpha Octavius and his new mate are so caught up in each other I'm sure they won't be upset we didn't stay for pleasantries.
Back on our way to Wild sunflower pack I have time to reflect on the past 3 years looking and waiting for a mate. For Elijah it's only his second year but he has yet to find his mate as well. Our pack can't wait much longer for us to have mates, weather they are fated or chosen.


Pulling up to the Wild Sunflower pack it's surprising how healthy it looks on the outside. There are pack members wandering around with patrol guarding the entrance and the border. Then when the window was rolled down to introduce the pack, there were young pups to be heard playing in the background. My wolf is uneasy being on land that we aren't sure if they will be allied or not. I mind-link Elijah to stay close and keep his guard up. We step out of the vehicle and come to meet Alpha Colton Charles and his Luna Samantha.
"Hello Alpha Davis, good to meet you for this years meeting. Thank you for being flexible, I'm sure you understand with our recent attack my need to tie some things down before our meeting?" He phrased it like a question but I'm sure he doesn't want to here my answer. There's no good way to tell him I know he's a crock of shit.
"Well, now that we are here I'd like to get on with our meeting and adjust as necessary." I don't respond to his question or acknowledge that I care at all about his attack.
"Yes, no need for pleasantries. Right this way." His snide remark makes my wolfs hackles raise and he becomes agitated. We follow behind Wild sunflowers alpha into the pack house. He leads us up onto the second floor where the first door is his office.
Oddly enough I catch a stale scent, but I can't quite put my finger on why it feels familiar, no not familiar, important? "Alpha Davis, please let us have a dinner celebration for your pack to apologize and celebrate the new mated pairs. Besides this late in the evening you'll have to travel in the dark, in light of our recent attack it would be best to wait until day break to leave for home, wouldn't it?" Im trying to get a feel for his angle but not finding one. My gut tells me I shouldn't stay in this pack but logically he's right, leaving after our meeting would put the pack at risk. Begrudgingly we decide to stay overnight. I use the excuse of having extra time to delay signing the treaty agreement. We agree to go over it in the morning when we are both fresh. The pack retires to spare beds in Wild Sunflowers pack house and I go to bed at night with a nagging feeling of missing something. My wolf won't settle and I get a restless sleep, rising early the next morning.
-Omega Dahlia-
I get up in the morning and get ready for work as usual. I'm going to approach Alpha Charles for my transfer paperwork first thing this morning. Knowing that there's another pack still visiting I'll have to be quick and hopefully he'll just want to get rid of me so he can move on the the festivities. Making my way to the pack house and up to his office I knock to see if he's in. There are many new scents in the house that my wolf is uncomfortable and stressed. The door opens revealing Alpha Charles inside.
"You. What do you want Lily Omega? I have important matters to attend to." His tone harsh and his wolf rises at the anger he's holding.
"Sir, you still haven't given me an answer or my paperwork back I have come to get an answer." I try to state as firmly as I can muster staring at his chin to avoid eye contact and getting in trouble.
"Get inside my office, your always causing problems when I least have time for you." His tone is lowered so only I can hear I presume so he doesn't cause a stir with our guests, even though most of the pack-house is still asleep.

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