Oh My gosh Thank you for all the Love this book is getting!!!
I mean I looked at the Number 1 ranking part and It is Number ranking at Hot! and some of the books that they past have like 1k and more reads and votes then this book has!!
But don't dread I'm far from done writing this book it just take alot of time writing this book word for word!
But thank you for all the support your showing for this book and Chapter 7 is a work in progress! I promise you, when it is done I shall publish it and start working on chapter 8 as soon as I can.
again thank you for all the love and support your showing for this book!
~ Skylar
Bury A Friend~
Romance"Are you my b-b-best b-buddi?" Andy looked at you, and it was obvious that he didn't want to be this doll's buddy. You sighed, pushed your brother away from the doll as the edges of your lips slowly curled into a small smile as you nodded at the dol...