Desire and the heart

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"Tanner, what are you doing?" Luna said firmly, each syllable was delivered and pronounced perfectly, no stuttering or pauses, no short cuts when pronouncing the letter T and she stared at him with furrowed eyebrows and a twinge of anxiety shown on her face. Tanner looked back at her, only turning his neck as to not let her see the look in his eyes. "You need not worry Luna" He spoke, his voice soft yet disturbing "i assure you I will not be long" Luna grew anxious, something about the way he said those words made her heart stop and shivers reach up her spine.

She watched as the door closed behind Tanner, and her heart began to pound in her chest, fear creeping in the crevices of her fragile mind, the thought weighed on her like a stone, gripping her throat so tight she could barely breathe. She agreed to let Tanner stay here, and as of now she was mentally kicking herself for being so foolish, if anything happened to Darren within the next few minutes, she would know what the cause is, and it would ultimately, be her fault for allowing that cause anywhere near him, at least she convinced herself that it would be.

Luna was uncertain of the time that went by, but it felt far too long until Tanner finally returned. She heard the door open behind her and swiftly turned her head to see Tanner standing there, he looked at her with a soft look, almost a look of sympathy but she wasn't sure. She stared back with a slightly fearful expression, before it shifted, her eyebrows furrowed, her jaw became set and her eyes were filled with anger and intensity. "What did you do?" She said quietly, but Tanner gave no answer "Tanner" she said again "ANSWER ME!" the sudden change in tone was drastic, her voice was filled to the brim with anger and fear, but Tanner didn't flinch, he just kept looking at her with those awful calm eyes. Luna waited for a reply but to no avail, her breathing hitched and a lump grew in her throat, she tried to fight the urge but her legs collapsed under her and she fell to the floor, tears flooded her face and began to sob silently. "Please" she said weakly "answer me".

She sat there for a while, letting out silent sobs, wondering if Tanner was even in front of her anymore or if he even cared at all, she wouldn't be surprised if it was so. After all, what more could you expect from a psychopath? She couldn't move, the only thing her body was capable of doing was crying, until she felt a hand touch her shoulder, she looked up to see Tanner knelt down in front of her. Even with them both being on the floor, there was still a distinct difference in height between the two and it made Luna feel so small and insignificant. His face was soft again , but not in the way it was before, it was more surreal, more caring to her.

"Luna, I assure you. You're little friend is ok" At first she was unsure weather she should trust those words, but he spoke so caring towards her and as if he genuinely didn't want her to be on the floor in a heap of tears.

Tanner looked at her red, tear soaked face. Seeing her like this made him feel uneasy, the best he could do was offer her the least bit of comfort he could give, so that uneasy feeling would go away. But although the tears had stopped, that feeling did not, it persisted deep in his stomach inflicting and almost comforting pain.

Tanner knew from the moment he laid eyes on Luna that there was something about her he enjoyed, and ever since he saw her he had wanted certain things that she would most likely never give him, but he wanted them all the same. And he wanted it now more than ever, not because of her tears, but the way she made him feel made him itch for it. Luna stared up at him with those gorgeous blue eyes, and he felt as if his heart might melt. His heart, and his desire where in a constant battle, keeping his mind from thinking, which upset him as he considered himself quite an analytical thinker.

He didn't know what made him do it, wether his desire refused to be held back or his heart took the the lead. But in that moment his mind went blank, and her placed another hand on Luna's opposite shoulder and pulled her up to his level and kissed her.

The sudden force of his arms pulling her towards him and the impact of his lips clashing against hers made her jolt. His lips were warm and soft and made her whole body melt from their touch, she found herself unable to push him away and felt herself kiss him back. The feeling was sensational, and neither wanted to lose it, Tanner reached a hand to her cheek and cupped it comfortingly in his palm, he felt Luna's hands wrap around him and squeeze his shoulders as she moaned into the kiss.

They broke apart, still locked in each other's embrace. They stared helplessly into each other's eyes, unable to tear themselves away. Neither were prepared for this and the comforting pain was burning furiously within them like a fire that Tanner was certain would never be put out and would remain burning until his dying days.

They walked down the hall to where both their rooms where, and stopped at their respective doors. Luna looked at Tanner and gave a small smile "Goodnight Tanner" she said opening the door to her room and stepping inside "Yeah... good night L-Luna" he stared at her door for a moment before stepping into his room. He collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. The moment replayed over and over again in his mind, making his stomach receive that pain again, and making him smile brightly.

Luna lay in the darkness in her room and was replaying that moment in her head, and felt as if her mind and heart were in a constant battle.

Until next time -Scrutinized Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now