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Chapter 2:

INTUITION: The cave of answers.

At first glance, intuition seems to be a familiar word to you. The dictionary gives a brief description that it means “awareness”. Actually, intuition is a link to answers from your soul to your mind which doesn’t follow principles of logic and time. Intuition operates from your right brain. The right brain is a sector that deals with aspects of creativity, intuition’s feelings and imaginations irrespective of form and time. The left brain deals with principles of logic and memorising concepts in response to time. The intuition has a unique ability of expressing feelings with a due respect that the past, present and future happen simultaneously.
This incredible power seems to be unusual and confusing but it will always light up your candle even during a storm. Intuition is the source of all answers to questions you have longed for days, weeks, months and probably years. You will derive answers within a flash as you awaken this sense of intuition. You will meet this energy challenging because of it’s unending puzzles but I will direct you to the real ways to identify truth about intuition. Before anything, realise that to defeat the puzzles of intuition, rule number one is lifting an extra focus and awareness of who you are.
       The intuition energy is the most darling mind ability known so far. Intuition is the most joking friend you will get in your mind. It tickles your body and you smile unnecessarily. All it’s voice messages are just crazily funny but very bold as well and you will always get problems once you ignore them. The voice of intuition is a pure combination of the sound of your soul, God Himself and the other higher beings of the universe including your spiritual guides. I emphasize that you should be keen enough not to confuse it with your own mind’s thoughts.
    I am sure you will approach a step where you will want a clean method of how to differentiate the voice of intuition from the voice of evil forces. In this case, first know how fast and secure an idea happens. We can hit it double time with the common principle we are viewing multiple times . It is nothing else other than “FOCUS”. Before putting down an idea from what you expect  to be intuition, first concentrate on who you are and then know how you sense the spiritual energy from within and outside. To find answers be confident and patient after pulling your deepest breathes as well as  assuming a blank white paper.  You can close your eyes to avoid obstruction from the environment around. Make sure your stomach is not aching since one of the obvious factors to know that you are in an intuitive state is a good gut feeling. Once you feel an unexplainable joy within, then you are on the right track.
** Don’t forget to use your own creative techniques of sensing energy. As for me I won’t make my technique a secret. I simply imagine standing in the ambient air rotating as fast as I can focus. And then if I am satisfied with my speed, I let a huge mass of light flowing out from my body spreading out into the whole universe and then back into me. Then I start simulating my spiritual senses.


     Intuition has a lot of energy within you and if you don’t drive it with absolute control, you are likely to take longer to operate at your fundamental levels of success. Energy keeps on advancing from time to time. For instance, computers have been advanced from thousands of years ago till the current life status where we just insert commands and then actions are done in simple devices. People in the world uniquely develop questions whose answers are sent through actions done by people through unpredictable behaviour. In the future, technology is going to be unexplainable even by the people who develop it because energy speeds up with focus of which the focus is growing tenser over time.
    Whenever you inquire from intuition, be slow to think and be a pure listener to all messages you receive. If you feel like you are mistrusting answers you receive, your soul is just forcing you to attract more concentration from you.  Trust this message like how you are yet to trust your own soul because it is your written guide.
      “ But why do I sometimes ask questions and I don’t get any clear response?” You may ask yourself. I know that our souls update during certain times just like you may receive an OTA message about updating the software of your phone and you install it. Remember you require a battery with a lot of power to install that update and is you. You have to be enthusiastic enough and endure that pain you experience just because you will feel lonely and feeling less confident about yourself with draining thoughts for days. I advise that you stay a strong human and be patient till your reborn soul is ready to dwell in you with it’s vigorous upgrade.
    The other interruption of living so intuitively that you must watch out for: Intuition happens in your life and it brings its utmost happiness nevertheless you are very likely to live in a world of fantasy and forget reality if you lose control and neglect the splendid information of merit it directs you to. One of the most intelligent beings in the universe ever existed was Sir Albert Einstein who praised Intuition as his ultra based source of his wisdom. He operated at its higher levels and gained the mysteries he made. He would do all the necessary writing addressed by his Intuition and fulfilled all he required.
•Lastly, I assure you that it is a piece of cake to access your Intuition but it will be a strong determination and will to get the best out of it.

Ego is the direct opposite of Intuition which disguises as Intuition and it’s sometimes referred to as wrong Intuition. The ego forces you to fulfil all instincts in your mind without judgment of which one is right or wrong. When you feel a force in your mind pushing you to hit the wall with your fist for no reason, obviously that is ego. Great appreciation to the greatest being of light in the universe, the Almighty who created the super ego in our minds to filter what must be done from the mind in respect to moral standards of the environment. So if you deny something from your ego, don’t think you have disobeyed your Intuition rather your super ego has saved you from danger.
    Intuition is abused by humans who overuse the right brain where it exists and abandon the left brain of logical reasoning, thinking and memorising. Totally recall it that the right brain deals with creativity, imaginations and Intuition. I hope you see it that they have to relate together to create a superb quality of the mind. Be alert about the people in society who are fond of making unlimited plans and success targets for others and fail to apply those plans in their own lives. Sincerely, such people are typical failures in terms of wealth, love and lots of other affairs.
    You may feel like reading books but in some rare cases, intuition will probably tell you to sleep. This seems a fake message but as you journey deeper into your consciousness, you will realise that it was warning you that if you had over read books, you would experience a headache. This is a reminder that to operate at Intuition, you must ignore logic for sometime.
    For you to be proud of Intuition, learn to focus and fulfil its answers with time. It is better to keep a journal and write down the street smarts you gain as you push beyond limits.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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