Law 6: Court Attention at All Costs

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This law comes in two parts. 1) All attention is good attention. 2) Create an air of mystery to be noticed and admired.

Application - 

To illustrate the first point, think of the Kardashians. When their reality series first came out, people thought it was a joke that they were famous for being famous. But then, they built a serious empire of businesses off of that fame.

Elon Musk also has the mystery power play down. When he throws out off-the-cuff comments on Twitter, people go nuts with both criticism and admiration. But this is good because once you're in the limelight, it's important to keep it fresh. Having a signature look or fun personality quirk will get you noticed and talked about too. Even if that's annoying to some people, you could make the attention work for you.

The spotlight burns, but stay in it.

I used to hate the spotlight so much that I would even be anonymous when giving gifts (how useless). Just this year, I was forced to think about "my brand", as part of the preparation for a series of interviews. This is who you are and what you do in a nutshell, that you can prepare in advance. I recommend creating one as well if you don't like talking about yourself.

We're returning to the office soon, so it's a chance to get more expressive with the way I dress. This is one way I don't mind courting attention because I work in fashion. Let me know your thoughts about these wardrobe pieces? Eccentric in a good way or just wacky?

1) Colorful monochromatic sneakers

2) Pop color cell-phone cross-body holster

3) Balayage ash-blonde long bob hairstyle. I have long and mostly black hair now.

4) Statement glasses, gold-rimmed or pearl white-rimmed. I actually wear glasses so these will be prescription.

5) Silk printed scarf masks. A way to stand out against the sea of basic or disposables. 

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