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Andy's POV-
She finished singing and this time we stood up and clapped. She seemed to let go and have fun with this song. She then sat down and BVB got up. "Whats your favourite song Riley, we'll sing it for you!" Jake said. "Oh god thats the hardest decision ever!" She laughed. "Okay well narrow it down to a BVB song!" Ashley winked. "That doesn't make it easier oh my god...hmm which one makes me fangirl the most" she thought aloud. "What exactly do you mean by that... Are you gonna faint?!" CC joked. "No its just, i love all of your songs but some of your songs make me so happy that i get butterflies and cant stop smiling and its the best feeling in the world" Riley explained. I had a massive smile on my face, i love knowing what our music does for people!

"And i definitely know which song makes me do that, its been my favourite song since i've heard it...but i don't know if you'll want to play it..." She sighed. "We'll sing any one of our songs if it makes you happy Riley. We honestly don't mind, we're used to performing all of our songs like everyday!" I said. She bit on her lip and looked away. "What song?" I asked with a smile. "In the end..." She said nervously. I smiled. I wrote this song for my grandad. (He actually did, RIP Andy's grandad ❤️😭)
"Let us just get our instruments" Jake, Ashley and Jinxx said as they ran up the basement stairs. They came back a few moments later and we were all set up. "Guys...can i record it so that when you leave i'll always have the live version...just for me?" Riley asked. "Of course!" Ashley said. She grabbed her phone, sat on the floor and pressed record on her iPhone.

"In the end as you fade into the night oh whoa oh oh who will tell the story of your life?" I began to sing. Riley's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"In the end as my soul's laid to rest what is left of my body or am I just a shell?
And I have fought and with flesh and blood I commanded an army through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory (I gave it all)
In the end as you fade into the night oh whoa oh oh who will tell the story of your life oh whoa oh oh and who will remember your last goodbye oh whoa oh oh
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die. I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die

Born a saint but with every sin I still wanna be holy
I will live again, who we are
Isn't how we live we are more than our bodies
If I fall I will rise back up and relive my glory"

We performed the song until it ended. Riley had tears pouring down her face. "Hey hey hey! Whats up?!" Ash asked in a concerned voice. "It's just... This song stopped me self harming... And it means a lot to me... I haven't hurt myself in almost 2 years because of this song... It just does something to me" she said as she wiped the tears away. "Come on boys, lets do it again" Ashley said. We got back into position and started singing. Riley looked so peaceful watching us from the other side of the room. When the song finished again she came up and hugged us tightly, one by one. Each time whispering 'thank you' in our ears. I just wanna like hug her all the time, seeing her cry was truly heart breaking. "What should we do now?" I asked. "Well in about 15 minutes i actually have an appointment to get my first tattoo..." Riley said awkwardly. "WE'RE COMING!" Everyone shouted.

We all got ready and then walked about 2 blocks until we reached the tattoo parlour. "Hi i have an appointment with Jordan" Riley said at the counter. "Just wait here please" the young tattooed lady smiled. We took a seat and looked at the tattoo designs on the wall. "What are you going to get?" Ashley asked. "You'll have to wait and see, you guys go shopping or something whilst i get this done" Riley smiled.

Riley's POV-
The boys walked out of the shop and i sat there and then got the picture of what i want done out. "Hey i'm Jordan, do you wanna come through?" A short tattooed man said. I smiled and then followed him. "So what were you looking for today Riley?" He asked as we sat down. "Well i have a picture of what i want. I want this quote underneath it." I said as i showed him the picture. "Oh cool what is this exactly?" He asked. "The symbol is of a band called black veil brides, and the quote; its a bad day, not a bad life, is what has kept me alive" i said shyly. He started tracing and then within 10 minutes i was in the chair getting a tattoo.

An hour later it was done. I got it on my thigh because thats where i used to cut and if i'm about to do it i'll see the tattoo and know that we all have bad days and i don't need to do it. I paid and then called CC. "Hey i'm done where are you guys?" I asked. "Uhhhh the food court..." He trailed off. I laughed and hung up. I walked to the mall and then headed for the food court. "Hey is it good?" Andy asked. I nodded and then ate one of CC's chips. "What did you get?" Jake asked. "A quote that means a lot to me and a symbol" i said bluntly. I didn't want to show them. I was embarrassed. We walked around aimlessly for a few hours after that. Finally we came home and i went straight up to my room. I honestly felt like crying and i didn't know why. I sat on my bed and stared at my floor just, thinking. "Hey are you okay?" Ashley asked as he stood at my door way. "Yeah i just kinda want to be alone right now, thanks though" i smiled faintly.

He walked away and then headed to the toilet. I got up and closed my door. I flopped back on bed and sighed. Soon i fell asleep. "Riley...Riley wake up" someone said sweetly as they gently shook my arm. I slowly opened my eyes to see Ashley sitting there smiling. "What's up?" I asked as i sat up and scratched my eyes. "You've been asleep for 4 and a half hours" he laughed. I didn't even mean to fall asleep... I mean like i don't know. Sleeping is my heaven, when i wake up, i wake up into a nightmare, so when i'm asleep, its peaceful. "What did you guys do in that time?" I asked curiously. "We wrote a new song, but we went in your basement so we wouldn't wake you, we made something for you, went shopping and watched tv." He said. "Made something for me?" I asked questionably. "Yes, when you were crying when we played in the end i had an idea. So we went on your phone to see you playlists and we saw one called 'my bvb feels' and when we saw in the end in it, we figured that they were your favourite songs, so we recorded us playing them for you, in between every song theres one of us saying something nice to you so you won't give up." He said.

I wanted to cry! I hugged him tightly and then we walked downstairs. They were all waiting down there. Balloons were blown up, food was on the counter, and Andy was holding a box. "Oh my god" i said shocked. "You looked sad and we hate seeing a bvb army member sad... So we did a lil something" Andy smiled. "I don't know what to say" i said. Andy handed me the box and i opened it. It was the CD Ashley had told me about. The front of it was a duck face selfie of all of them and it said 'For Riley'
I seriously wanted to cry. "Hug me you fools" i said. They all laughed and we had a massive group hug. I put the CD in my room then walked back downstairs. I will honestly cherish this forever.

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