Doctors appointment

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I smiled. I don't know when, but when i do propose to her, it'll be like this. I put the letter down and put my underwear and pants back on and walked down stairs, Riley was in the kitchen with two cups of coco. I kissed her. She didn't expect it but she happily kissed back. "Thank you, for a lovely anniversary, Mr Biersack" she smiled. "Thank you for being the reason we have an anniversary" i smiled back. We walked to the couch and watched movies as the thunder roared. It was the perfect day with the perfect woman. She made everything perfect, without even trying.

-3 weeks later-

Riley's POV~

I'd been feeling really sick lately, vomiting, sweating, mood swings, i think its just a hormonal imbalance. I woke up alone this morning, Andy slept at his house last night, it felt so weird not having him here, i hated not waking up to him. Maybe we should move in together? It's been nearly 4 months, is that too soon? I sat up and checked my phone, a lot of tweets from fans of Andy, posting photos and #Randy and stuff. There was a photo of me and Andy at taco bell posted, i looked at it closely, it was the day i got out of hospital, i looked horrible. Looking on instagram i saw Andy posted a photo. It was of me, sitting on the couch, captioned "the love of my life! 😍 i love you baby 💕 @blackveilriley #Randy" i chuckled and liked the photo. All of the sudden i got up and ran to the toilet before spilling my guts out, this has been going on too long. Could i be pregnant? I needed to know. I put on my sweats and drove to the store before picking up three different types of pregnancy tests. I bought them and drove home. I ran up stairs and peed on all 3 of them before leaving them for 5 minutes.

After making coffee i walked back up stairs and checked my tests.
Test 1: positive
Test 2: positive
Test 3: positive
I was pregnant...with Andy's child. I needed to make a doctors appointment, immediately. I rang my doctor and she said i could come in right away, i got there within half an hour, i waited for about 45 minutes before i was called in.

"Hey Violet how can i help you today?"
"I think i'm pregnant"
"Oh, tell me the symptoms"
"Vomiting, mood swings, tiredness, increase of appetite, no period in 3 weeks, exhaustion and i took 3 tests and they all said positive"
"Okay sit down in the chair and we'll do a blood test to see"

I sat in the chair and looked away as she poked the needle in my arm, i hate needles, they terrify me, she took some of my blood and put it in some tube thing that went through some other machine.

"That'll take about 10 minutes for it to process, lay on the table and i'll do an ultrasound to see if i can get another heart beat or something"
"Alright things look normal here and ooh what was that, hold on"
I looked at the screen nervously.
"There seems to be something that may be a foetus but it's a little too small to know for sure."

As she said that, the machine for the blood test beeped. She walked over and looked at it. "Well, congratulations Violet, you're 4 weeks pregnant!" She said happily. I smiled and she gave me advice and i drove home. Now i needed to tell Andy. 4 weeks pregnant, that meant it was before our anniversary that i fell pregnant, a week before. 

I texted Andy and asked him to come over, within minutes he walked in. "Hey baby whats up" he said before he kissed me. "Hey babe, sit down i need to tell you something" i said nervously. He sat down on the couch and looked at me curiously. My hands were behind my back with the tests in them. "You said you love me right...and you promised that we were forever..." I said nervously again. I was scared he'd be angry and he'd leave. "Of course, no matter what, Riley whats wrong?!" Andy said anxiously. "Andy i'm pregnant" i blurted out. He looked at me. I pulled the tests out and gave them to him, he looked them over. "You're" He asked. "Yes...i'm sorry" i said sadly. "Have you had a doctors appointment? Because i heard that these test lie sometimes" Andy said sounding like it was impossible. I handed him a copy of my blood test. He stared at it, looked at me, started at my stomach, dropped all the tests and jumped up. "WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY! OH MY GOD I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!" He screamed excitedly. I was so happy that he was happy that i wanted to cry, i was so scared he would be angry or something. "We're going to be parents Andy" i said as happy tears fell from my face. He picked me up and spun me around as tears fell from his eyes too.

"I can't believe it! Riley i have literally never been so happy!" Andy smiled widely. "You seemed so sad at first?" I questioned. "I didn't want to get my hopes up until you had a doctors test because i know that pregnancy tests aren't always correct and when you showed me the blood test i was ready to scream and explode!" Andy laughed. "When do we tell everyone...and the fans?" I asked. "We tell people when you're ready" Andy said holding me. "Well, i say we tell your parents and the guys some time this week and we tell the fans when its been a little longer" i smiled. Andy hadn't stopped smiling, he was practically jumping. "We can tell Amy and Chris now if you like" i suggested. Andy ran upstairs to the computer, i followed, he opened skype and called his dad.

"Hey Andy, hello Riley" Chris smiled.
"Hey dad, wheres mum?" Andy asked.
"Here darling!" Amy chirped as she walked in.
"Guys sit down we have something to tell you!" I smiled.
They sat down and looked at us questionably. Andy and i looked at each other.
"We're pregnant!" Andy and i said at the same time.
"AHH THATS GREAT!" Amy smiled. "I'm gonna be a poppy!" Chris cried.

They were so happy and that made me happy. We talked for about half and hour and we hung up. It still hadn't registered with me. We walked downstairs and watched tv, life was great...i was dating the man i loved, and i was having his baby.

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