I'm tired, goodnight

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Riley's POV-
As i was talking to my friends i started missing the guys, they were talking to other people. Soon enough it was 8 pm and people started going home. "Your performance was amazing tonight Riles" Ashley said behind me. I jumped a little and turned to face him. "Thank you Purds" i laughed. "Well i've never heard that before" he laughed. We talked for a few minutes before he and the guys headed for the car. I headed to my car and drove back home, as soon as i walked into my house i ran straight upstairs and grabbed my old falling in reverse tee and spongebob bottoms. I tied my hair in a messy bun and took my make up off. When i walked downstairs all the guys were watching tv. I sat next to CC and Andy. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Whatcha got?" Jinxx asked. "The cabinet is over there" i said. Jinxx decided on 'white chicks'

About half way through the movie my eyes began to grow heavy. I rested my head on CC's shoulder and before i knew it, i was asleep. When i woke the next day i was still on the couch on someones lap. I looked up to see CC. I was so fucking tired that i had no strength to even get off of him. I rolled over and thats when i felt i was being picked up. I opened my eyes slightly to see a tired CC carrying me up stairs,he placed me in my bed, as he went to walk away i startled him and grabbed his hand. "Stay with me" i said in barely a whisper. He nodded and then crawled into bed with me, he snaked his arm around my waist as i fell into a blissful sleep. I woke up completely snuggled into CC's chest. He smelt like whiskey and cigarettes. In a way i liked that smell. I just didn't want to move. Something about CC made me feel so safe.

I could hear someone whispering at the door. "I don't know, should we do this? What if they get angry, what if CC's naked?!" "Dude just do it!"
The next thing i know, ice cold water is being poured on us. We jumped up in shock. "Oh, you're awake? Its about time" Andy said cockily. I lashed at him. Literally. I jumped over my bed and landed on him, causing him to fall on the ground. Everyone erupted into laughter. "WHO DISRUPTED MY SLUMBER" i said dramatically. Andy laughed and then made a run for it but CC caught him. Before we knew it, we were all having a food fight. CC and i were a team, Andy and Jake were which meant Ashley and Jinxx were a team. We chased each other around the house. I was tip toeing upstairs when someone grabbed my mouth and pulled me down, it was CC. We hid under a quilt then Andy came upstairs. I filled my water gun with mustard and CC filled his with ketchup. We counted to three then attacked using a war cry. Andy let out the girlish scream i have ever heard.

"Violet?! What the fuck!" I heard someone say. Only one person still calls me by my first name, my mum. I ran downstairs. "Hi mum" i said awkwardly. "What is the meaning of this?" She asked with her hands on her hips. "I'm sorry mum my friends and i were just having some fun." The rest of bvb came out. "I don't want to hear it. Look. I'm only here because we forgot some things, i'll be leaving again tomorrow. As for you young lady, you march yourself upstairs, shower and go straight to your room, you're a disgrace to this family" she said sternly. "As for you" she said pointing to bvb. "Get the fuck out of my house" she said. "MUM NO PLEASE DONT" i pleaded. "Violet, upstairs, now!" She yelled. I sighed and walked upstairs, turning to the guys and saying thank you as they walked out the door. After i showered i went straight to my room. Just as i sat on my bed my mum came in.

"Now Violet-"
"Mum its Riley! You know i hate my first name!"
"Don't let strangers into this house, you make us look bad. You're grounded. I would say come back with me but that would be too much fun for you so you can go and stay at aunt Edna's starting as of Monday"
"Because you disobeyed my orders, used and wasted all of our food, let 5 men into the house, completely destroyed everything and got a fucking tattoo!" She said as she pointed to my leg. FUCK! Tears started rolling down my face. I knew that it was too good to be true. My mum just laughed and left. That was it i cant do this. I started packing a bag as tears poured from my face. Then i only had one thing left to pack, my razors. I grabbed one and couln't help myself, i dragged it a few times down my wrist and threw it into my bag.

I put on a coat and that was it, i climbed out of my bedroom window and just ran. I didn't even know where i was going until i saw the bus i never thought i'd see again; BVB's tour bus. I ran over to it and banged on the door. I could hear my mum yelling "VIOLET" streets away. CC opened it. "Riley?" He questioned. I ran in shut the door and ran up to the drivers seat. The driver was shocked. "Please just drive please" i said breathless. "RILEY CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND TELL US WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND WHY IS YOUR LIP BLEEDING?!" Andy said loudly. Fuck, i thought as i realised i must of rubbed my wrist against my face by mistake. "She was yelling at me and i just couldn't take it, so i packed my bag and ran and then just when i was about to stop i found your bus. Sorry for intruding its just i can hear my mum calling my name streets away" i said flopping on the couch. "Its the least we could do after all your hospitality" Andy spoke up. There was an awkward silence. "So your names actually Violet?" Jake asked. "It's my first name, the last person to call me that was my best friend before she killed herself, when i found out i swore that my name would be Riley, which is my middle name" i said looking down. "Listen, go have a shower, you're soaking wet then come back out and we can watch some movies and get some pizza" Ashley said. I didn't even know it was raining outside to be honest. I nodded and then they pointed me towards the bathroom.

We were deciding to go get pizza when someone banging extremely loudly on the door. Everyone stopped talking and stared at the door. I walked towards it and opened it, it was Riley. "Riley?" I questioned. She pushed passed me and ran to the driver seat yelling for him to drive. "RILEY CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND TELL US WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND WHY IS YOUR LIP BLEEDING?" Andy yelled. We all sat there silently waiting for her to speak up. She told us what happened and then Andy pointed her towards the bathroom. "Guys what do we do?" Jake asked. "W-Why don't we ask her to come on tour with us?" I asked. Everyone was silent for a minute. "Call Jon" Jinxx said. I grabbed my phone and put it on speaker. "Hey Jon, we were wondering, would we be able to bring a girl on tour with us?" I asked. "Who is she and how old?" He questioned. "Her names Riley and she's 16" Andy said. "Well, i think it could be great for publicity but you'll need to ask her parents" he said before hanging up.

"So what do you think?" I asked everyone hopefully. "I think it could be pretty great" Ashley said. She came out wearing a singlet with a jumper on and shorts and her wet hair in a bun. "Riley, would you like to come on tour with us?" Andy asked. She looked shocked for a moment. "M-me?" She stuttered, it was so cute. "I-i don't want to be a-a bother" she said again. "Riley, we would be absolutely honoured to have you with us, but you'll need to continue your studies, i can teach you, i do have a teaching major" Jinxx said. "A-are y-you sure?"
Tears were rolling down her face.
"Okay" she said in a whisper.

Riley's POV-
They wanted me on tour with them...they'd find out my secret....if they find out my secret then they'd kick me out... Why do they want me with him anyway?

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