You Don't Belong Here

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Edited on 9th December 2021

Kara meets the elusive Savitar. 

Kara arrived at an empty alleyway and landed with a thud. She looked around but didn't see anyone it was then that she felt a presence behind her. Kara tensed as the person behind her ran their hand up and down her arm.

K-"What do you want...Savitar?"

S-"Oh so they taught you my name."

K-"Of course they did, what do you want?"

S-"I want to talk."

K-"Talk? About What?"



Kara goes to turn around and face him but Savitar keeps her with her back to him. Kara could have easily moved him but there was something about him that made her trust him.

S-"Well more specifically the reason you've been having flashes of memories that feel like they are yours but you don't recognise them."

Kara's breathing hitched as his arm stilled its movements on her arm.

Kara was about to say something when she felt an excruciating pain in her head. She grabs her head and screams before collapsing into Savitar's arms. Savitar picks her up and runs her to his lair and places her on the bed. After a few minutes Kara wakes up, her eyes shoot open and she sits up gasping.


Kara's eyes begin to scan the room only to land on the dark figure a few steps away from her. Savitar steps towards her, looking at her for a moment before sitting down next to her. Kara doesn't move, just allows him to sit next to her and grab her hand.

S-"How much do you remember Kara?"

K-"Not a lot, it's just flashes."

S-"Well I'll tell you our story. In my time we were in love, we had known each other since high school and we weren't the best of friends at first but we grew to love each other. Now at the time of the incident, we were walking along the beach when you began to scream in pain and you began to clutch your head and then the next thing either one of us knew was that you were disappearing. I held you as you disappeared Kara, the last thing you said to me was that you loved me. Then you vanished. It took me a few days to realise why you'd vanished."

Kara looks at Savitar with tears in her eyes placing a hand on his arm giving him the comfort to continue.

S-"It turns out that when Barry, in this time proposed to Iris, it caused our timeline to change because of the domino effect. So you were placed in this timeline on a completely different Earth to Barry in order to try and stop your paths from crossing. But after Barry accidentally travelled to your earth I began to get his memories of you, and that is when I realised that I needed to get you to this earth, so I could make sure that you would get your memories back and I set up everything perfectly so that you would."

K-"So you were what? Whispering in Barry's ear all the time to get everything you wanted?"


K-"But why do you want to kill Iris?"

S-"I want Barry to feel the pain I did when you were taken away from me."

There's a silence for a moment before Kara stands up and takes a few steps away from the bed. Savitar's eyes followed her every move. Savitar stands up and walks towards Kara when he hears her quiet sobs, he places his hands on her shoulders and turns her around, before lifting her face to him. Kara's face has tears streaming down it.

S-"What's wrong my love?"

K-"It's just everything I know has been a lie. I always felt like something was missing and I just thought it was because I lost my parents but now I realise it was you. I love you."

Savitar's eyes widen before a bright smile forms on his face.

S-"I love you too."

Savitar pulls Kara in for a kiss before leading her to the bed.

In the morning Savitar wakes up first to find Kara cuddled into his side, her head resting on his chest. He runs his hand through her blonde tresses while thinking about the next part of the plan. After a few minutes, Kara wakes up and turns her head to look up at Savitar.

S-"Good morning."

K-"Good morning."

Kara leans up to kiss him before speaking again

K-"I can hear you thinking, what's wrong?"

S-"It's time for the next part of the plan."

K-"Which is?"

S-"Killer Frost."

Kara looks at him curiously while he explains to her his plan about how to get Killer Frost to wake up. But that afternoon Savitar, Kara and Killer Frost are all in Savitar's lair talking about the plan.

Meanwhile in STAR LABS

Team Flash was now very worried, Kara had been missing for over 12 hours and they had no idea where she was.

B-"How do we find Kara?"

CA-"We're trying but it's like she's vanished, Cisco can you get anything from your vibes?"

CI-"No, it's just blank like I'm being blocked."

The room becomes silent for a moment before they see blue lightning run down the corridor. The group are quick to go after it, finding Savitar in the breech room.

B-"Where's Kara?"

S-"Oh don't worry about her Flash, she's perfectly safe, no harm will come her."

B-"Why do you have her?"

S-"She's good company, so optimistic and hopeful, it's refreshing."

CI-"Why can't I see her?"

S-"Oh Vibe, you can't see her because I don't want you to see her."

CA-"You care for her."

The group look at Caitlin as she takes a few steps towards Savitar.

CA-"She's important to you, to the man under the mask."

S-"You know Dr Snow, you can read me like a book. Which is why I need you."

Before anyone could blink Savitar had stabbed Caitlin with a syringe and sped them both out of the room.

Leaving the remaining Team Flash perplexed and confused. 

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