Welcome To The World

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It's a race against the clock to save Kara and her unborn child. 

Edited on 9th December 2021


A breech opens up in the Command Centre of the DEO, Caitlin stepping out first followed by Barry, Iris and Cisco. They are met by Winn, Lois, Lena and James.

CA-"Talk to me."

WINN-"Kara, Clark and J'onn went to fight CADMUS and they stabbed Kara, so instead of flying her back, Alex went with the Med Team to get her."

CA-"Where are they?"

WINN-"Two minutes out. Kara's unconscious."

LENA-"What are they doing here?"

CA-"They made me tell them why I kept disappearing and then I had no time to argue about whether they were coming with me or not."

LOIS-"Kara's not gonna be happy."

CA-"I know but our main focus is going to be on her and her unborn daughter."

A commotion is heard down the corridor as Alex and a few other agents rush Kara in on a stretcher.


CA-"Alex, talk to me."

A-"She's been stabbed in the chest, it's punctured a lung, but I can't tell what other damage it has done until I get her to the OR. Baby's heartbeat is weak, we need to get this baby out."

CA-"Okay, let's get her up to the OR, you work on her chest, I will work on the baby."

As Alex and the other DEO agents rush Kara into the OR, Caitlin turns to the group behind her.

CA-"Lena can you come up and be ready to receive baby when I get her out so that I can close Kara's stomach and help Alex?"

Lena nods before following Caitlin up to the med bay. The rest of the group follow so that they can wait outside.

After a while Lena comes out of the OR holding newborn baby, she walks over to Lois,

LENA-"Meet Alura Eliza Danvers. Slightly small from being early but otherwise healthy as can be."

As the group are admiring the new addition to the family, inside the OR Kara is waking up. Alex and Caitlin stand next to her bed as she regains consciousness.


K-"Hey. What happened?"

A-"You were stabbed with Kryptonite by CADMUS, it punctured your lung but other than that you're okay."

CA-"I had to perform an emergency C-section to get Alura out but she's here and she's safe. Lois and Lena are looking after her outside with Team Flash."


CA-"Hey, it's okay they forced me to explain it to them. They won't try anything as long as we're here. Do you want to see them?"

K-"Alura first then Team Flash."

Caitlin nods before poking her head out the door, the chatter dying down as she holds her arms out for Lena to place Alura into them.

I-"She's awake?"

Caitlin nods.

CA-"Yeah, she'll speak to you in a few minutes."

Caitlin shuts the door behind her before handing Alura over to Kara.

K-"She looks so much like Barry."

CA-"I know, but she looks like you as well."

Kara nods and after a few minutes, she sighs.

K-"Okay let's get this over with."

Alex nods her head before leaving the room, allowing Barry and Iris to step into the room. Caitlin looks at the group in confusion before Barry speaks

B-"Cisco wanted Winn to show him all the alien technology you guys have."

Kara smiles and nods her head. The room becomes silent Caitlin and Iris both look at each other before Caitlin clears her throat.

CA-"Um, Kara, do you mind if I take Alura just to do some checks and make sure everything's okay?"

K-"Sure, but take Lois and Lena with you."

CA-"Of course I will."

Caitlin takes baby Alura from her mother's arms, she looks to Iris before walking out of the room.

CA-"Iris, you coming?"

Iris quickly nods her head before following Caitlin out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Barry looks at Kara before she shuffles in the bed making room for him to sit. Once he sits down Kara begins to speak.

K-"I'm sorry Barry."

Barry looks at her in surprise,

B-"Sorry? What are you sorry for Kara?"

K-"For lying, for keeping a secret, for all of it. I should have trusted you enough to tell you but I didn't."


Barry grabs Kara's hand before making direct eye contact with her.

B-"I understand, you were scared and you were doing what you thought was right for your unborn child. I respect that."

Kara looks at Barry with tears in her eyes.

B-"I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you. I'm just sorry you had to watch Iris kill the love of your life. And I'm sorry that it was my actions that were the cause for all this pain."

K-"I forgive you. I know that when you proposed to Iris you didn't know what repercussions it was going to have on anybody. I'm just sorry we all had to find out this way."

There's a silence before Kara takes a deep breath

K-"Can I ask you something?"

B-"Of course."

K-"Do you remember the musical world?"

B-"Yeah, what about it?"

K-"When we had been shot, we were lying on the ground and you were about to say something but you stopped when Iris and Mon-el came to rescue us. What were you going to say?"

Barry ponders for a moment before taking a deep breath,

B-"I was going to tell you my biggest kept secret."

K-"And that is?"

B-"I don't think Iris is my soulmate."

Kara looks surprised but stays quiet to allow Barry to continue talking.

B-"Yes I love her, I have since I was 10 but I always feel like something is missing when I'm with her."


B-"Yeah, I feel like there's a piece of my heart that's empty but when I'm around someone else it's full."


B-"Do you have any idea who that someone is Kara?"

K-"I might have an idea."

The pair's faces inch closer to each other but the moment is cut short when two gunshots echo throughout the room.

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