The Truth Comes Out

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6 months later. Team Flash force Caitlin to tell them everything. 

DISCLAIMER; Barry never went into the Speed Force. 

Edited on 9th December 2021

Barry, Iris, Cisco, Joe and Wally were all in the cortex. All of them were worried and frustrated.

CI-"I just don't get why Caitlin keeps disappearing all the time. Where is she going?"

B-"What if she's in danger?"

I-"Surely she would tell us, and why does she need to go through a breech every time she goes off?"

W-"When I asked her about it, she said that she couldn't tell me otherwise she was breaking a promise."

J-"A promise to who?"

CI-"Well, let's ask her."

Everyone looks at the screen Cisco is pointing to, watching as a breech opens in the Speed Lab and Caitlin steps through. They watch her as she walks out of the Speed Lab a few moments later appearing in the cortex, looking at the confused and frustrated faces looking back at her.

CA-"Did I miss something?"

CI-"Where have you been? For the last 6 months, you've been sneaking off through a breech, without telling any of us what you are up to."

Caitlin is silent for a moment before speaking.

CA-"I can't tell you, I don't want to break my promise."

I-"Promise to who? Caitlin, what is going on?"

CA-"My promise to Kara."

B-"Kara? But Kara left without saying goodbye after we killed Savitar. Any invitation I send to her, she declines. Caitlin, what is going on?"

CA-"Kara won't see any of you guys, she won't even come to this earth."


CA-"Because she's scared."

CI-"Of what? It's not like we have Kryptonite to harm her."

Caitlin looks at the ground before Joe speaks up.

J-"I don't think it's a what Kara is scared of Cisco, it's a who."

Everyone looks at Joe incredulously before looking at Caitlin.

CA-"Joe's right. Kara scared of all of you."

B-"What? Why?"

I-"We would never hurt her, she knows that."

CA-"Well 8 months ago Kara believed that with all her being, but now she doesn't."

W-"What happened 8 months ago to change her mind?"


The room becomes silent as they all look at Caitlin to explain.

CA-"Kara isn't from this timeline. She's from Savitar's timeline. When she arrived here and she was getting those really bad headaches, it was because her memories were coming back. Savitar and Kara were in love in the original timeline, they were walking on the beach one night when Kara disappeared and Savitar was left holding empty air. Kara was taken out of their timeline and put into ours on a completely separate Earth."


CA-"Because Barry proposed to Iris in this timeline, it was the domino effect. Now when Barry met Kara accidentally, Savitar was getting all of Barry's memories with Kara, so he made a plan to get her onto this Earth and then get her alone with him. When Kara left STAR Labs the night she arrived, she collapsed and Savitar took her to his lair when he told her everything and she got all her memories back."

B-"Oh my God. Everything Kara knew has been a lie."

CA-"Yeah, I don't even want to imagine how she felt when she found that out. Anyway, a month later, the day you got rid of Savitar, Kara found out she was pregnant with his child. Now Savitar told Kara to stay in the lair but her being stubborn she snuck out and watched the whole thing from the forest. She watched as one of her best friends murdered the love of her life while she was carrying their child. Kara whisked us back to the lair where I managed to calm her down and went with her to Earth-38 where we explained the situation to her sister. Kara said that you guys couldn't know about her, Savitar or the baby and that after the baby is born she will come back but she won't tell you where she'd been."

CI-"So Kara thinks that because she and Savitar are from a different timeline and they were in love and that now she's pregnant with his child she's scared that we are going to hurt her or her child."

CA-"Yes, you see on Krypton, babies were not created naturally or carried naturally, the science was too advanced. When Kara came to Earth she knew that she would never be able to have children even though it's her dream. So when she realised that a group of her friends could potentially destroy her dream, she wasn't taking any chances. You guys know the one thing that can kill her and you guys also know what can harm a speedster so the half Kryptonian, half speedster child she's carrying is an easy target for you guys. Kara is one of the strongest people I know, if not the strongest. She an adorable ball of sunshine who lights up any room she walks into but I have never seen her as scared as she was when Savitar died and she realised she may be next."

J-"Okay, so to recap. Kara and Savitar are from the same timeline where they were in love, Kara is pregnant with their child but she's terrified that we are going to do something to harm her or her child."


I-"How far along is she? Are she and the baby okay?"

CA-"7 months. The baby is fine, Kara is fine physically but she's very scared about ever telling you guys or even coming back to Earth 1."

There is a silence in the cortex before Caitlin's phone rings. Caitlin looks at the screen in concern before answering the call.

"Hey, Winn."

"Caitlin, you need to get back here."

Caitlin frowns at the tone and speed of Winn's voice.

"Winn, what's wrong?"

"It's Kara, she's been stabbed with Kryptonite."

Caitlin's eye's widened, she swallows thickly before answering Winn.

"I'm on my way."

Caitlin hangs up the phone before looking at the confused faces of Team Flash.

B-"Caitlin what's wrong?"

CA-"It's Kara, she's been stabbed with Kryptonite. I need to go."

Caitlin begins to walk out of the cortex before looking back as Barry, Iris and Cisco are following behind her.

CA-"What are you guys doing?"

I-"We're coming with you, my dad and Wally can look after the city but right now Kara's life is hanging in the balance."

Caitlin nods her head before turning to walk to the Speed Lab. 

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