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The night passed by taking away all the sorrows and worries of the day and the sun was welcomed cheerfully...

Reyansh got up early and started his works according to the morning routine. There was no new remark from Swastika. His mother kept on passing some taunts about him doing the chores as was her habit , and Reyansh kept ignoring them as was his nature.

Priyanka's Side :

After completing her graceful breakfast like every other day , Priyanka left for work. She entered the office only to be greeted by many worried faces...

"What happened !?" She asked her employees
"Uh.. Mam Rishi sir and Kabir sir are facing some serious problem with the spa resort clients..." One of the employees reported her.
Priyanka's mind started rumbling... All the things which she was fearing till now seemed like happening before her... She was reminded of her father's words. More than anything the fact that feared her the most was that will she be proved incapable of becoming a competent CEO.

Nevertheless , she heard everything and went towards her cabin. There she found Rishi and Kabir (the two employees who had informed Priyanka about the eatery problem in the first place) going up and down , continuously attending phones

"Yeah... Yeah sir... We're trying our best..." Rishi said in a troubled tone.
"Sir... Sir pls don't take back the investments..." Kabir was continuously pleading someone...

Listening everything Priyanka called out to them...
"What happened !?"
"Mam actually Mr. Raichand is insisting on beginning the development of the spa resort today itself..."
"Ohh.. So this is the problem... What's the big deal in it !? Just start it... Gosh... Ur expressions scared me to death..."
"Uhh Mam... We r not yet successful in shifting the eatery..." Kabir said in a timid voice.
"What !? U got to be kidding me... U didnt handle it yet... What the hell is wrong with both of you !? I've been telling how important this project is for us but..." Priyanka shot at them
"Mam... We tried our best.. But.. But.."
"I don't want ur excuses Rishi... I want result... I'll visit the place today..."
"Sure Mam..."

Priyanka was well determined to end the matter today itself. She had her plans ready. After completing few works Priyanka and her assistants started towards Marine Drive... Rishi & Kabir were supposed to join them after a while...

In the car :

Priyanka looked through the files reading all the public reviews for the eatery. The only thing she didnt have was a photo of it.
She asked one of her assistants
"Did Rishi email you the pictures ?"
"Not yet Mam" was the reply...

Reyansh's Side :

As usual Reyansh was serving his customers cheerfully , completely unaware of the storm coming towards him.

"Here you go... Enjoy..." Reyansh said handing a plate of Cutlet to a couple.

"Reyansh my one.."
"Reyansh one samosa..."
"Yeah yeah... Here you go... Mam ur Samosa..."

Everyone was enjoying themselves.

Priyanka's POV :

I was too angry , stressed , confused... Uggghh everything at once... I have never lost a client before and I'm surely not going to lose it today just for a mere eatery. I saw the beach coming nearer and my determination also grew stronger...

As the beach advanced a strong smell of momos reached my nose.
"Ahh... Chilli Fried Momos... What a bliss... Its been so long since I last had it..." I said sniffing the air excitedly.
But I had to concentrate. Not very far , I could see a small eatery buzzing with people... Maybe it was it !
I instructed my driver to take the car nearby...

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