~Kiss on forehead are thee best ~

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Dylan outfit ↖↗

~Chapter 11 ~

~Dylan POV ~

I'm shock !... Is that really Shane I ask myself ..after she went away! ...

She look really hot & beautiful to be real ...!

I guess she is going to Cameron party !....with her friend .., what's her name ?...yeah some jenny !...

I thought of not going but now I have to go to keep an eyes on her !..

All the guys would be drooling over her and some may take advantage on her ....

She's so naive , I'm scared she hurt herself !...Why I'm so protective about her , I asked myself!... I stop immediately about thinking this useless things and went to get ready

I took my phone out !my pocket and texted Cameron that I was coming !....

I change my clothes with consisted of a jeans jacket , a black coloured Jean , A plain red T-shirt and my white & black vans with my black matching beanie !..

I reached the party about 25 mins on my motorcycle ...

As I enters all girls eyes were on me ! But I was searching for only one!..

Drunk peeps everywhere making out , dancing , grinding !

The music was really loud and everywhere was crowded ..

"Where the fuck is she I said to myself moving my eyes everywhere !.."

" Hey man , a guy cried and wave at me from the bar ,"

Its was Jason !..

"What's up , he said to me !..."

" nothing , uhmm jst looking for Shane , I said !...

" Is that nerd here!..Jason said "

"Yup I said while popping the p "

"1 mocktail please , ! Says a familiar voice to the barman "

"Sure mam , the man replied " !.

"I turned my face and saw Shane " ..

She went pale on seeing me !..

"What you doing here , she said to me "

"Can't you see its my b.friend party! And its obvious I would be here ...I snap at her "!

" Whatever she said while rolling her eyes at me and walk away with her mocktail in hand !...

"Wait I cried , while running behind her , ..but in vain someone caught my hand ! And guess who ? , the slut Yona ...

~Shane POV ~

As we arrived at the party ...there was horny teens making out everywhere! ..

I wrinkled my nose in disgust and got inside!.

It was quiet grand the house !...

Music was blasting ... Peeps was dancing ..and enjoying themselves !..

Jenn hold my hand and stay with me until Cameron comes to see us! ...

"Hey girls , he said fixing jenns "

Hii , we both replied !..

"Will you dance with me beautiful lady , Cameron said to jenns while putting his hand ahead for her ..!

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