Be sUre to taste your words befOre you split them

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Chapter 7 :$


~Shane POV ~

Its has already been a week..,for the first time I got a friend in my life...

In my old school no one wanted to be friend with me as they thought I was a nerd((boring)) & antisocial!..

But here  all its different .. I had Jenny ..who is crazy , ..

Funny ,happy girl who laugh all the time...,she eventually became my first best friend .., her passion is reading but she is not a nerd me!.

She is just the opposite if me .."a fashionishta " she is just awsome !...

She was propose to joined the popular groups but she refused and decide to stick to me she don't find herself comfortable there...

I meet others friend like Megan ,Ally and Sam ,who hangs out with us during lunch time .!

They are really good guys .. I never found myself too much comfortable with someone like them ... !

As for Dylan "Mr Arrogant" I ignored him as he and his boys  always trys to mess up with me & my peeps to prove his a bad boy ! And they always teased us ...but we let it go coz we didn't want to get into any problem ..

~At the canteen ~ ..

"Let's go cried ,cried Jenny into my ears " ...

"Damn ,Jenny you are damaging my eardrums "

She ignored my comments and continue draging out the classroom and pulled  me to the hall...

"Where are we going ,I asked "curiously !

"Don't tell me ! You Hadnt  you heard the bell"!

" opps maybe I was too engross in the work " I said quietly ..

"Nerd ,she stuck her tongue at me "...

" I know ,I said amusely "

"You like that old bald man ,Mr Reed , ?? She said disgustingly ..!

" No oo ,I protest , I just love English , its my fav  sub ! " ...

"Soon we reached the canteen , its started to filled!..

" You can't think about anything ... Only food & food everytime !

I don't know how you always stay slim I joked at her "

"Its called talent , sweetheart she said .. While laughing !

" we took our tray full with food and search for a place!...

"Hey guys" we saw Megan ,Ally and Sam waving at us.." While yelling at us , to catch ou attention ! ..."

"We make our way to them but we had to pass next to Dylan & his squad"!

" Let's go to another place to eat ,I whisper to Jenny !"

NO ,don't be scared they aren't going to do anything ! Keep walking ! Don't look at them OK ..."

I slowly take a step ahead !.. We were getting closer and closer!..

YOna ,the school  slut was sitting on Dylan lap! ...

I stared getting envious , I don't know why but I kept my calm & stare down while continue ...

"Reaching to there table , I heard Yona said ....hahahah !

"She is such a whore baby " ,ewww look at her she is so ugly ...

I ignored it ! Its her habit to make me cry as she hate me ,doesn't know why  ?.

"That why she is parentless " ..she started laughing !..along with Dylan

"I freezed ! On my place !....Now its too much I said to myself! .I felt tears threatening to fall down my cheeks but I hold them back !

I let fall my tray down and ran to her ... " I grab her  hairs ... I started pulling it ! ...I pushed her away from Dylan !..and said ..

"You little witch , look at you first .. "No one would want a things like you " except to f^^k you ! you spread  your legs to everyone ! I spat at her angryly !..Talk about me , Never about my parents ..  !...

I got on her started kicking & punching her as she was doing the same !....Jenny was pulling me off her ... But I won't leave her without teaching her a lesson! ..

"Stop it , Shane ,what are doing ?? Cried Dylan !...

"I continue my work , ignoring his words   ..until the  principle stopped us .."

Jenny grab my hand from killing her ... And she was panting while Dylan was helping her to get up ...

EVERYBODY WAS STARING AT US AS !...ShOck and some happy for my deed !

"I don't know where I got so much courage but I must say that girl was getting on my nerve "

"Be sUre to taste your words before you split them I yelled !...while they were going away ...!

Dylan glared at me And left with the bitch  for the nursery  ! Who could hardly walk!...

" To my office now ,Miss Shane Mariana Lopez ,yelled the principle ..before leaving ,".....

Jenny took me to the washroom to clean up my face  and hairs !...I had few bruises at my cheeks but it was not serious !

As I probably look like a mad woman " ..& then I went to see the principle !..."  I was giving a chance after I narrate the story why all this happened..."

"I don't want this to produce again ,miss Shane ...

" I nodded a small sorry & left ! ...

Thank god I haven't received a restrication   !"

Jenny then forced me to go to the nurse to clean my wound !... I didn't want but have too!

"God this girl , my second mother ! ...she  was wondering where did I got so much energy to  beat that slut Yona !... She was amazed that a shy ! Little nerd like me would be a fight back !...

I was too amazed O.O !

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