chapter 2

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You were most definitely not prepared for the friendliness of the people in town. As soon as Mama parked the wagon next to your new home which was right on the edge of town (close to the forest, just like you hoped), The two of you were immediately bombarded with warm welcomes and handshakes. All of which the two of you graciously responded to with smiles and laughs. However, those were just the simple things you had to respond to.

"Are you two travellers?"

"Do you also have a gift?"

"Do something cool!"

"Can you tell us stories?"

Children followed you around as you unloaded your things into the house. Surely the village children had something else to do? Chores maybe? Anyhow, you were stuck with them. "Sorry kids, I'm new in this town, plus I'm really tired. I'll answer you another time?" Sounds of protests all around. In the end, you ushered them (gently) out of your house and shut the door with a sigh.

You hoped your hair looked good enough to them. But then again they were children, what opinion of beauty would they have? "No use thinking about it." You spoke out loud. Just then, you touched your hair and nearly gagged at the greasiness. Riding a wagon for 3 days with no showers did a number on you. Best thing to do now is to clean yourself.


"There's newcomers in town?" Dolores nodded. "I heard their wagon roll into town!" I poked at my food again. Newcomers in Encanto were an intriguing thing. It meant new people to meet---New faces to copy. Maybe there'll be someone my age. Then I could fool around with more than just my family and a few kids in town. "Should we greet them?" Mirabel asked excitedly. Abuela hummed. "I don't see why not. Why not throw a celebration? Then the whole town can meet them!"

I just stayed quiet and ate my breakfast.

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