chapter 6

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"the family madrigal, pt. 2"

Mirabel laughed at your range of emotions you showed as you wandered around the house, or as Mirabel called it, Casita. After gathering yourself, you turned around to face her.

"Mirabel, can my mom and I get adopted? I'll talk to your mom about it." You spoke, starry eyed. "You're funny, you know that?" She put a hand on your shoulder. You think the two of you are gonna be best friends.

"Well now that you know about all our gifts, let me introduce you to my family!" You were gonna meet the madrigals? like THE madrigals? As in more people who look amazing and are as cool as Mirabel? As in you could meet the unknown people walking around the house preparing?

You felt a bit of sweat drop from you. 

"So, first of all, this is my mama, Julieta. She can heal people with her food." A woman with curly hair streaked with grey waved to you. "So nice to meet you!" You smiled politely and waved back. "I'm Y/N L/N." The woman nodded in acknowledgement and smiled kindly. Just like Mirabel, she too was gorgeous. 

Then before the awkwardness settled, Mirabel tugged you over to another woman, who was incredibly muscular. "This is my sister Luisa! She's super strong." You looked up at the woman in awe and shyness because MY GOD was this woman beautiful. The genetics in this family was elite. Luisa waved at you. "I'm Y/N L/N." You repeated. "Great to meet ya!" She shook your hand.

"Anyway, I gotta get back to these chores." She turned away from the two of you and picked up.. TWO PIANOS? Dang. But then after that you smelled a strong scent of flowers. Flowers? Wait what? "You're the new girl?" You turned around, startled. You came face to face with another pretty lady. "Isabela, Y/N L/N. Y/N, Isabela. My sister." Mirabel then rolled her eyes. 

"I love her but she can be annoying sometimes." You wish you knew the feeling. But still Isabella smiled. "You're so pretty!" She cupped her hands together. You blushed. Being complimented by a pretty girl was.. Amazing. However you really did think otherwise. The more Madrigals you met, the more you wished you'd found that pouch of makeup.

Just then, a red rose sprouted from Isabela's cupped hands. "I forgot to tell you, she can make plants grow."  You stared in wonder. "I can see that." And then-- Oh my god she put it in your hair. You froze. She touched your hair. And gave you a flower. "Well, I gotta go help Abuela. See you later!" Mirabel nodded toward her sister and then she was off, leaving a whiff of flowery scent behind.

The next couple minutes you had were then spent being introduced to Pepa, Felix, Augustus, Dolores, Abuela Alma and finally sweet child Antonio. After meeting so many wonderful individuals, you couldn't help but feel a little more welcomed. After all everyone was so nice. Plus Isabela called you pretty! And gave you a flower! Wow!

"Ay, where is that stupid boy. There's still one more person I want you to meet, but he's not--" 


The sound of a boy's voice came from the stairs. Who on earth--? Oh. My. God. Standing at the top of the staircase was the most handsome boy your age that you've ever met. 

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