7 - What About Her?

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"Now did you see what the sweeper did there?" Coach Hale asked to the group of boys who unfortunately weren't paying any attention to him

"Sinclair!" He called out, "this is your position - I expect you to at least know the answer" coach pointed out to Sinclair, who quickly locked his phone, shoving it in his cargo pocket, trying to avoid it being taken off of him

"Hmm, what? Oh yeah - he's uh-" Sinclair stumbled on his words, glancing up at the screen coach was pointing at

Holding his hand up to stop him, coach shook his head disapprovingly at the boy who couldn't even think of a quick answer "Don't even try it" he muttered as he ran his hand through his hair stressfully at the group of boys sat infront of him

His boys - his team and yet sometimes he felt like they didn't even respect him. You had Crawford chewing gum, with his hoodie up - probably high as fuck but at least he actually made it. Then there was Parker sat on his phone texting despite coach's warning about phones but that boy didn't care. There was always a new girl's name flashing on that screen. Theo was sat back lazily slumped in his chair as he did nothing to hide his blatant distaste in the team and getting along with them and his state of boredom. Then there was Stone - notepad out and if you weren't paying attention it looked like he was taking notes - but Coach knew better and he knew that Ollie stone was sketching. Yes, sketching as in art. No doubt drawing whatever was on his mind or what he was interested in.

Usually, it was cartoons or graffiti sketches, but today - today it looked like anatomy - female anatomy to be exact, the female body.

"Hey coach - how about we find you girlfriend, she might relieve that stress you get" Sinclair offered as he believed the best remedy for stress, well was a good nut and coach definitely looked like the relationship type - so why not?

Coach was never good at hiding his stress or frustration with the team.

He wasn't bad looking - far from it, had this whole dilf vibe about him, but he wasn't a dad so just an attractive older guy. And the guys had noticed it, especially when most of the girls at Thronebrook East had pointed it out.

They said he gave them a greys anatomy Mark Sloan Dr. McSteamy vibe, mixed with Henry Cavil - but a bit more tanned - and a dash of Oscar Isaac, whatever that meant.

They described him like he was a Starbucks order

"I'm stressed because of you boys. I have to practically treat you all like my kids with the way you all act and I'm not even getting paid well enough for it!" Coach hale groaned as he wanted nothing more than to treat the boys like the grown men they were - but they acted like kids

"Oh so you do want a girlfriend, you aren't denying it" Jimmy Hughes called out, with a smug smile as he knew it would get a rise out of coach

Furrowing his brows in disbelief of this conversation getting the boys attention, coach really had to ask them, "Do you boys not listen to a word out of my mouth?"

"Coach, come on we'll even set up a tinder account for you!" Gibbs joined in as the rest of the team began to talk amongst themselves about either their own tinders or how they'd set up coach's

"Boys!" He warned

"Wait - what even is your type?" Sinclair asked as he had yet to see him with a partner. They knew he was definitely straight because he hadn't shyed away from the many female prospects who had tried to get with him, but he never actually dated them

"I'm thinking...definitely not red heads, probably not blondes - brunettes maybe?"

"No" coach answered too quickly for his own liking, almost immediately regretting it because he had began to entertain the conversation in the boys eyes and now this would be never ending

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