5 - Slept With Him

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"SINCLAIR!" Ollie yelled, grabbing the boy's attention amongst the loud music, making him close his mouth and turn his head to look at him

Not even caring for being nice - Ollie shoved and pushed his way through the rest of the crowd, dragging a stumbling Sinclair by his arm off of the countertop and eye to eye with him.

"Woah, Stone - it was just a bit of fun. Harmless" he grinned at Ollie's narrowed eyes

"No" Ollie shook his head, knowing that even if he didn't have this weird thing going on with Aimee - that was too far

She was already pretty drunk during beer pong, but going to lick her chest infront of the entire party when she'd most likely regret it tomorrow morning was too far.

"Brooo" he laughed, "stop stressing" he teased Ollie

"Finn." He spoke lowly, making Sinclair's smile drop at the sound of his teammate refusing to call him his surname because this was serious- Ollie continued, "I get it, you're having fun - but you know that was too far"

"I didn't force her" Finn pointed out, with his arms raised in mock surrender

Shaking his head as he took a breath, Ollie mumbled "Fuck sake, I can't even with you right now. I just-" he started to say before he was interrupted

"Piggyback!" Aimee screamed as she'd done the final shot herself and climbed onto Ollie's back

She was getting bored ontop of the countertop as Ollie clearly wasn't gonna be the one to finish the game, she finished it herself. She didn't even remember how Sinclair managed to convince her to do bodyshots - but she knew that the moment beer pong was done - Ollie just walked off and didn't even bother with her, so she wanted to have a bit of fun.

Grunting as he managed to securely readjust Aimee so he had a strong grip on her, Ollie simply sighed - making his way through the party to put Aimee down somewhere safe and she could sober up.

Just as he was about to call out to his mates, telling them where he was going, he turned around slightly, he found Crawford stood where he, himself just was, shaking his head disapprovingly at Sinclair - clearly showing that Ollie wasn't being overprotective, Sinclair was out of line. He shouldn't of been messing with Aimee like that when she was this drunk.

Resting her chin ontop of Ollie's curls, as she watched her new point of view of being about nine foot tall, Aimee whined as she asked, "Where are we going Ollie?"

Hearing her sound talk over the music, Ollie simply said, "Somewhere quiet - so you can sober up and stop getting yourself in so much trouble"

"Trouble?" Aimee repeated, raising her voice, "I haven't caused any trouble"

Ollie couldn't help but bite his own tongue before he said what he was thinking - which was - 'you've caused me a whole lot of trouble and I can't even think straight. I'm arguing with my teammates over you Aims and you don't even know it.'

Looking for the bedroom that Finn said he could sleep in tonight instead of walking all the way back to his own accommodation, Ollie walked down the hallway, mumbling frustratedly, "you know, this isn't the ride I usually give girls"

"Mmhmm and what kind of ride do you usually give girls?" Aimee teased, making Ollie almost trip over his own feet at her hearing him when she wasn't meant to hear that

Smoothly recovering as he located the room, he needed to he smiled as he said, "Oh, I think we both know what kind of ride that is"

In the cutest laugh as she couldn't help it when she got drunk, Aimee teased him by saying, "Stop with the flirting, you met me like 20 minutes ago"

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