8 - It's Always Him

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Hearing Naomi speed walk behind her, in order to catch up to her after that whole ordeal, leaving Ollie far behind in the past - like she should've the first time she met him - Aimee pulled her phone out to look at her timetable to know where she was even going.

Catching up to her, Aimee sighed knowing what was about to come out Naomi's mouth and it wasn't going to be compliment, it was going to be interrogation.

Well, interrogation the Naomi way - she didn't really tend to stick her nose in other people's business unless she was there to witness it and then she'd just ask a few questions of what information she wanted to know, and she'd then leave it alone.

But, Aimee was a chatterbox with a very open personality. She'd spill the moment Naomi asked anything.

"Ummm what was that!" Naomi asked, not even needing to put a question mark besides it as it was clear something was going on between Aimee and Ollie and yet Aimee was pushing it away

So unlike her

"I feel like I just entered an episode of a tv show with the way that boy was keen for you. He was after you Aimee. He wanted you" Naomi acknowledged, glancing over her shoulder - wanting to know if Ollie had truly left them or he was doing the unrealistic tv show thing, which was not give up and follow Aimee

He wasn't following them, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try again at somepoint.

"He wanted to fuck me again" Aimee bluntly stated as she finally looked at Naomi

Naomi blinked as she took in Aimee's words. The irritation. The bluntness. But, when she took in her eyes, there was irritation yes, but she couldn't help but see a small glimpse of sadness?

Why was Aimee so sad? Why would she be hurt about Ollie wanting to see her again? Wasn't that what she wanted?

Going to voice all the questions she had just thought of, Naomi didn't even need to as Aimee could probably tell by the slow confusion morphing on her face what she wanted to ask her and answered said questions.

"He wanted to clearly keep me on his little roster of the same girls he fucks time after time but will never want more" Aimee elaborated as Naomi furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief of what she had just witnessed compared to whatever Aimee apparently saw

"Aimee where are you getting this from?" She asked in confusion, "He literally said he wanted to contact you and wanted you to come over to his"

"Yes...to fuck me and that's it" Aimee explained slowly

Narrowing her eyes at the girl she definitely felt like was a bit lost sometimes, Naomi simply mumbled, "okay?"

Sighing because she could tell Naomi couldn't understand where she was coming from and how her point was a bit confusing herself, Aimee explained further, "Listen, it was good sex - really fucking good and he's probably coming back for more cause let me just say I do not disappoint in that department either" Aimee admitted with a smug look, tucking her hair behind her ear as Naomi laughed at her

"Okay, okay but I honestly feel like it was more. I feel like there's something there, more than a friends with benefits situation. Look, he even told you about leaving your stuff behind - not many guys do that unless they wanna see you again - but you know what, it's not my business, imma stay out of this one" Naomi tried to get it into Aimee's head from an outsiders perspective she was reading too much into her interaction with Ollie after the party probably wasn't interpreted correctly and now he wanted to see her again

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